FIN 350 WK 8 Assignment 2 – Financial Markets and Institutions, Part 2Choose three (3) types of securities from any of the financial markets covered in the textbook duringWeeks 1 through 7. Pick securities you would enjoy researching for this assignment.Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:1. Analyze the role financial markets play in creating economic wealth in the U.S.2. Provide a general overview of each of the three (3) securities you chose. Be sure to include suchinformation as name, company it represents (if applicable), pricing, and historical performance.3. Assess the current risk return relationship of each of the three (3) securities.4. Recommend one (1) strategy for maximizing return for the current risk return relationshipidentified for each of the three (3) securities.
Is this a fair that Men and Women are becoming more equal
It is true to say that often through out time, in various circumstances and situations, individuals have been discriminated based on their gender. We would think that after numerous years of battle for equality, we would have reached the point where the role of men and women at home merged and the different responsibilities shared. […]