Corrine Roe 1,012 words Art 100 4/8/12 Aesthetics Learning Object The first two pictures that are being compared are Shirin Neshatb “Allegience with Wakefulness” 1994 and Jasper Johns “Three Flags” 1958. In the “Allegience with Wakefulness” is instrumentalist. It is instrumentalist because it is the writing on this person’s feet is not English and there is a gun between the person’s feet. This might be taken as things that are different from what we are used to be taken as threat.
American people in general have a closed minded way of looking at things. The other aesthetic perspective for this art piece that are noted is linguistic. Linguistic are has symbols as well and the gun could also be seen as a symbol. It has words written in it too specifically on the feet. This artistic piece is powerful because it can have so many meanings to it and can mean many things to many different people. “Three Flags” is a linguistic painting. It is obvious that this is a linguistic painting because it is the American flag. The American flag is tied strongly to American culture.
It is a symbol of our freedom. Imitationist is the next aesthetic perspective that is seen in this paper, obviously because it looks just like the American flag. The American flag looks like it is popping of the page because of the way they get smaller as they move forward. Both of these art pieces have a strong message behind them. The first one, “Allegience with Wakefulness” has a language in it that most Americans would not be able to understand. It also has a gun which could mean a lot of different things in this particular picture. The second picture “Three Flags” is pretty much the opposite of that.

It is very recognizable for everyone in the American culture. It stands for freedom our freedom. The next two paintings that are compared are “Mystic Package” by Claudio Bravo in 1967 and “Rabbit” by Jeff Koons in 1986. The “Mystic Package” is an imitationist piece of art. It is imitationist because it looks like a regular package that could see pretty much anywhere. This art piece could also be known as linguistic. It is a linguistic aesthetic because it has strong social ties to our everyday lives. Most people get gifts in packages or important thing they have ordered or thing they bought just for fun.
We usually associate a package with a good thing. The “Mystic Package” has a special hyper-realistic quality about it that makes look like it is an actual package. “Rabbit” is formalist piece of art. It is formalist because it has a modern design. It almost looks robotic and has a futuristic quality about it. The artist pays extra attention to the shape and details like the rabbit’s ears and how the rabbit is holding a carrot. This art piece could also be known as expressionist. When people see rabbits they often think of pets that they have had or think of rabbits hoping threw the forest.
People usually have happy feelings when it comes to rabbits and other animals. In the art piece “Mystic Package” it is something we see all of the time. It’s a common package that we use to ship things. In the “Rabbit” art piece it is the exact opposite. It is something that we do not normally see. We see rabbits but not in shiny balloon form. It looks like a robot more than anything. That is why it is so futuristic looking. In conclusion art has a lot of different aesthetic perspectives. Art is unique in its own way and makes a different impression on everyone who sees it.
Someone may disagree with the aesthetic perspectives that are above but they seem to make the most sense. When you use instrumentalist to describe a piece of art that is used to make people think and have a purpose behind them. Linguistic is art tied to culture and has symbolism. Imitationist art is tied to something that actually exists in everyday life. Formalist art is that focuses on texture, color, shape and modernism. Expressionist evokes feelings. Usually things in the art make you feel happy or sad or mad or something like that. Aesthetic perspectives change with every person.
Not everyone feels or thinks the same way we they look at a piece of art. Things mean different things to different people. Like someone from another country would not have such a close tie with the art with the American flag in it. Someone who understands the language written on that persons feel might feel something different when they look at the picture then someone who cannot read it. Being able to understand what is written might help the picture make the picture mean something totally different than what someone else gets out of it.
The art with the package might mean something totally different from one person to the other. They might not even understand how some people get what they get out of it. The picture with the shiny rabbit might not seem futuristic to one person like it does for another. One person could totally not even understand how one person sees something from a piece of art. When something is imitationist usually everyone who sees the painting can understand why it is that way. Usually it is something that people commonly see in everyday life, unless someone has not seen that object in their life.
People experience different things in their live and that can influence what they see or feel from a piece of art. Sometimes people see something that other people do not understand but that is their perspective and no one can really tell them that they are wrong. It is all about your experiences and no one can tell that what you are seeing is wrong because art is interpreted by the people seeing it. Some people have experienced things that other people have not so they can look at things in different ways than others.

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