Grading Rubric
Assignment: Self-Care Plan (20% of overall grade)
Meets Criteria listed below:
Planning Paper that includes the following:
Description of the type of Health Mental Health setting you plan to work in
(It would be the V.A. Hospital)
Description of the unique issues and challenges that may arise in the practice setting that could lead to a vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic stress (compassion fatigue), or burnout (include definitions)
Detailed list of the activities you utilize currently for self-care
Detailed and insightful list of barriers you experience now for self-care
Identify and describe new strategies that may be helpful for self-care in the practice setting
Identify barriers to self-care in a Health Mental Health setting AND suggest how you can address the barriers
Identify and describe some negative coping strategies you use to cope in difficult professional situations.
Description of ways you can address negative coping strategies
Paper is in Ace homework tutors – APA format and a minimum of 5pages.
The SAMSHA podcast is available at the link above. Click the second link if the first one does not work. Additionally are the Power Point slides for your review. They will be helpful for you defining important terms to be discussed in your first assignment, the self care plan.