Read classmates post and respond with 150 words :
The three important points about the format of CD coding I will be discussing are category, subcategory and subclassification. Everything is divided by sections to make it easier to code. The category is a three character code that represents a single condition. Subcategory is a four category code it provides more information than the three character code regarding cause, location and how the condition has progressed. Subclassification is a five to seven character code that helps by adding even more information about the condition and description of it. With all of this information it can make it easier to find the right information in the manual but it will take some time for you to get used to.


Carol J. Buck, Saunders (2022). Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2022 Edition, by Carol J. Buck, Saunders


Read your classmates’ posts and respond in 150 words or less:
The three key points about the CD coding format that I will discuss are category, subcategory, and subclassification. To make coding easier, everything is divided into sections. The category is a three-character code that corresponds to a single condition. Subcategory is a four-category code that provides more information than the three-character code about the cause, location, and progression of the condition. Subclassification is a five to seven character code that adds more information about the condition and its description. With all of this information, it should be easier to find the right information in the manual, but it will take some getting used to.

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