Select a historical and a contemporary reading from different weeks, and contrast and compare these readings through the lens of one concept of your choosing. Show similarities and differences in how this concept was interpreted by these two figures/architects/thinkers. In addition, you are required to conduct library research in order to find two more essays/chapters that can help you analyze the topic. 

( I will provide the link/images of two required readings.)

(For the two outside sources, you can pick your own)

– Make sure to properly footnote your paper (use Chicago Manual of Style)

-For the two library sources, you are required to cite at least one passage from each essay/chapter that you found in the library. In addition, you have to document the finding as an attachment to the back of the essay (two images: one screenshot of the library webpage listing as well as a photograph of the book or a screenshot of the digital copy).

– Write 1,000 words (+/- 50).

– Use 8.5 x 11 portrait format and graphically design your paper by correlating the images to the text (so that you can also make a visual argument).

-Graphics and images can go to the edge of the page and must be referenced with an image caption, look to the Kipnis article as an example.

– You are encouraged to deal innovatively with the images and the way the text engages them.

– MOST IMPORTANT: Write in a precise and concise manner. Edit your paper numerous times and work on its formulation and design.

Grading will reflect 3 aspects of equal importance:

a) historical knowledge and factual accuracy

b) ability to address intricate theoretical relationships

c) writing and design

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Ace Tutors
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