Power point presentation WITH NOTES for topic “depression in Post-partum”. It must be 18 slides, not including your cover slide or reference slides. Your reference slides should cite at least seven references. Your presentation should, at the minimum, include the following topics regarding your chosen vulnerable population and related health education program/plan:

Clearly states population chosen
Describes the vulnerable population
States the current population demographics
Online assignment help tutors – Discusses background of the problem, and its effect on public health
Online assignment help tutors – Discusses the cultural background of the selected population and any relevant history pertaining to the population
Online assignment help tutors – Discusses the psychosocial concerns and/or norms of the population
Online assignment help tutors – Discusses the economic concerns of the population including, but not limited to, income levels, educational levels and occupation
Online assignment help tutors – Discusses specific health concerns of the population
Information on specific risk factors for target population is presented concisely and accurately
Online assignment help tutors – Discusses prevention and control of health concerns and risk factors (primary, secondary and tertiary)
Online assignment help tutors – Discusses the role of the public health nurse in caring for vulnerable populations
States the core functions of public health and applies it to the care of the specific population
Three local agencies/facilities delivering services to the target population are identified and accessibility and service rendered are fully described
Additional resources needed in the community are identified.
Information discussed is current, within the last 5 years.

 Clearly states population chosen, describes the vulnerable population, states the current population demographics, and discusses background of the problem, and its effect on public health. Clearly states purpose of research and indicates main points to be covered. 
 Expands upon the cultural background of the selected population and any relevant history pertaining to the population, including psychosocial concerns and/or norms of the population, the economic concerns of the population including, but not limited to, income levels, educational levels and occupation, and specific health concerns, and risk factors. Topics include prevention and control of health concerns and risk factors (primary, secondary and tertiary), the role of the public health nurse and the core functions of public health as it applies to the care of the specific population. Three local agencies/facilities delivering services to the target population are identified and accessibility is and services rendered are fully described. Additional resources needed in the community are identified. 
 A specific health education program/plan for the identified vulnerable population is clearly articulated and could be implemented in a like community. 
 The visual slides include a variety of graphics, text, and animation that exhibit a sense of wholeness. The overall presentation is directed toward the appropriate audience, and the tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. All Information presented is current, within the last 5 years. Creative presentation is submitted; including backgrounds, color/size of font, transitions, style, and design. 
 Written material uses Standard Edited American English. Language and diction are appropriate to audience. Follows rules for grammar, spelling and usage. Writing has a polished and elegant style. Ace homework tutors – APA formatting is present to include a title slide and a reference slide. The number of references required by the assignment is presented. In-text Ace homework tutors – APA citations are used in the presentation. 

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