I need help writing my essay – research paper write a response to the article below using the guidelines-(Using 200-300 words Ace homework tutors – APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years. There should be a mix between research and your reflections. Add critical thinking in the posts along with research. Apply the material in a substantial way.)
Note: I need help writing my essay – research paper do not use material from Course Hero as my instructor checks it. Original material needed please.
Characteristics that Would Lead a Provider to Suspect Abuse Within a Family
As mandated reporters, it is imperative that we can recognize the signs of abuse and know what to do with suspected abused patients. One obvious sign of abuse is neglect. Neglect can take shape in many ways, but easy to spot signs for mandated reporters include malnutrition, poor hygiene, inadequate shelter, and more (Mayo Clinic, 2021). Recognizing abuse includes these characteristics and more. For children, this may mean that during an assessment the child is timid or quiet around their caregiver, or for domestic violence victims, that their abuser might be weary to leave their side or answers the providers questions for the patient (Falkner, 2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Abuse can take form in many ways and it is not always apparent to those providing care. Caring for an abused person, whether that be a child, a spouse, or an elderly person, requires patience and compassion, and the drive to rectify the abuse and get the victim to a safe space.
My Faculty’s Procedure for Reporting Suspected Abuse
At my hospital, we ask everyone who is capable of answering if they are being abused either physically or verbally by anyone at home or in their life. This often leads to saddening conversations about physical abuse they experienced as children, but I have fortunately only had to report one patient for being suspected of being abused. These questions are part of our admission assessment; this ensures that each patient is asked these questions. If a patient denies abuse, but the nurse has reason for suspicion, there is a drop down option that states this. The next steps in reporting abuse for me, as a clinical nurse, is to tell my Charge Nurse and the Attending provider. We also get our unit’s social workers involved with a consult as well as a case management worker. Then, with the Charge Nurse’s help, we file a written report so that the appropriate agencies will be notified.
Falkner, A. (2018: 2024 – Write My Essay For Me | Essay Writing Service For Your Papers Online). Health promotion: Health & wellness across the continuum. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs429vn/health-promotion-health-and-wellness-across-the-continuum/v1.1/
Mayo Clinic. (2021, September 24). Child abuse. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved February 8, 2022, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/child-abuse/symptoms-causes/syc-20370864
I need help writing my essay – research paper respond to the article below using the following guidelines: (Use 200-300 words in Ace homework tutors – APA format, with at least two references.) The sources must have been published within the last five years. There should be a balance of research and your own reflections. Along with research, include critical thought in your contributions. Use the material in a significant way.)
I need help writing my essay – research paper do not utilize Course Hero content because my instructor will check it. I need help writing my essay – research paper provide original material.
Characteristics that would cause a provider to suspect child abuse in a family
As mandated reporters, we must be able to identify indicators of abuse and know what to do with suspected abused patients. One obvious sign of abuse is neglect. Neglect can take shape in many ways, but easy