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I had this work done from one of my tutors last week. now I want some corrections and I cant find the one who did it. So I need someone’s helpI want to have 4 sources also spelling needs to be checked and proper
APA. Those are the things other then that everything is fine! here is the answer I got from that tutorThroughout the history of literature, there has being a lot of criticism about the various methods used in analyzing other people’s works. Despite this criticism, there are six perspectives for analyzing images. They include personal, historical, technical, critical, ethical, and cultural perspective. When studying an image by the use of any of the six perspectives one becomes intellectually involved with the image. Every picture and image has something to talk of. The producer of any image takes time to frame out and make the picture sound logical. The message that any artist may want to communicate may just be a literal summary. The use of six perspectives encourages one to bas his or her conclusion about the images. Failure to analyze an image makes it be termed as forgotten. If the image is forget, it becomes meaningless thus it will only entertain the viewer for a short period. Image analysis teaches two important lesson s about the creation of memorable pictures. One is that the message producer must read and understand the cultures and beliefs of the viewers. The second lesson is that the symbols used must be understood by that culture of the intended viewers. Before applying any of the six perspectives; one should first look at all the major graphics and the content elements within the frame of the image. These graphic elements include color, form, depth, and movement.Having finished the mental exercise, record all the content elements within the image. This is done while listing the separate elements that are meaningful and those that are not clear. It is advisable that one treats the image analysis as a game. If one does not understand the meaning of the elements, he or she is requested to research the work or ask someone else about the meaning of the picture. If the picture is famous, there are high chances that the critical writers have analyzed the image before and explained the symbols used by the artist. After the identification of the graphic and the elements, one is ready to analyze the image using the six perspectives.The first perspective is the personal perspective. Upon viewing the image, one can draw a quick conclusion about the image on the basis of personal response. Personal perspective is important because it reveals information about the person commenting about the picture. These opinions are limited in terms of use because they are personal. The comments about the image cannot be generalized past the individual. Also, these comments do not reveal much about how a certain culture views the image. An interesting image will always spark stronger personal reaction. These can be negative or positive and this reveals much about the culture from which it was made. A person who views and draws a conclusion about an image on personal perspective denies the chance to perceive the image in a more meaningful manner.The second perspective is the historical perspective whereby each method of presentation has a unique history of situations that were set and fostered in motion by a person interested in the promotion of the medium. These methods of presentation range from the typography to networked interactive multimedia. For the case of networked interactive multimedia, there are recent historical developments. On the other hand, for the typography, the history of writing is from the dawn of recorded history. The knowledge of a method’s history give one a chance to understand the current trends in terms of their origin in the past philosophies and techniques. Creative visual message productions will always originate from an awareness of what has come before. The present applications will also influence the future uses of the image.Technical perspective is the third of the six perspectives of analyzing an image. Under this perspective, one must have some knowledge about the working mechanism of each method of presentation. A thorough analysis of any visual presentation requires the understanding of the techniques used in the production of the image. Once one gets the knowledge about how the image is generated and produced, he or she is better placed in terms of knowing the about when the production is at peak and it is low, when much or little money is spend, or when great or little care has being taken in the production of the image.The fourth perspective is the ethical perspective. The six principal ethical philosophies should be used in analyzing a picture. These six philosophies include categorical imperative, the golden rule, and hedonism, veil of ignorance, the golden mean, and the utilitarianism.Categorical imperativeImmanuel Kant greatly contributes to the western philosophy. Categorical means unconditional with no question of the extenuating circumstances and with o exceptions. Consistency is very important to this philosophy. Once a rule has being established for a certain idea or action, behavior or opinion must therefore be consistent and should always be applied in accordance with it. For instance, if a person chooses to be a vegetarian, the categorical imperative philosophy applies.UtilitarianismThis philosophy believes in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. In this philosophy, various impacts of an act are assumed and the outcome that helps the most is the best choice under the specified circumstances. Newspaper editors often use utilitarianism in justifying their choice to print a disturbing picture in their newspaper. Although these pictures may affect few readers because of its content, it may persuade a large number to change their behaviors.HedonismThis is closely related to the philosophies of narcissism and nihilism. According to Aristippus who is the founder of the philosophy, people should act with the aim of maximizing pleasure at the present time and stop thinking about the future. He believed that people should occupy their time with intellectual pursuits and should use good judgment in their personal relationships.Golden meanThis refers to finding a middle ground or a compromise between two extreme points of view or actions. This philosophy does not involve a mathematical average but is an action that approximately suits the situation at that time. Negotiations and compromise are actions aimed at finding a link between the opposing viewpoints of two competing interests.Golden ruleThis teaches people to love the neighbor. This philosophy holds that an individual should be a humane as possible and never cause harm to others by insensitive actions. A producer in a television show who decides not to air close up footage of family members mourning the loss of their loved one at a funeral because their grief might be compounded by seeing themselves on television is against the golden rule.Veil of ignorance This philosophy considers all people to be equal. This philosophy is an answer to prejudice and discrimination.The fifth perspective is the cultural perspective. The cultural analysis of an image will involve the identification of the symbols used in the image and determination of the meaning of these images. Symbolism may be analyzed by the way the picture has used heroes and villains by the forms of its narrative structure by the style of the artwork, culture communicated and by the use of the words accompanying the image. This perspective shares a close relationship with the semiotic approach.The sixth perspective is the critical perspective. This is the final stage in analyzing an image involves the application of critical perspective. This requires an attempt to transcend a certain picture and conclude about the method and culture from which the image is produced as well as the viewer. This perspective allows the viewer to use the information learned about the method, image produce and its practitioner to make general comments about the society that accepts or rejects the images. Therefore, this perspective redefines the initial perspective in terms of universal conclusion about the human nature.Applying analytic perspectiveThe main goal of any perspective analysis f an image is to understand own reaction about the image. David lodge once wrote that analysis is driven by geo. Most importantly it always reveals the persons making the analysis and not necessarily the piece. Through this process of one is able to review, refine, and renews the personal reactions to the piece. Analysis of an image is therefore a circular event in which one is able to move from an initial, emotions, and subjective personal reaction to a rational objective, and thoughtful personal response. This is a very satisfying intellectual exercise.Although this is a tedious and time consuming process at first, practice reduces the amount of time required. One might be left with the old adage since most visual messages are shown with little or zero verbal information. “The more you know, the more you see”. Therefore it is important to find the meaning in images and their uses. If one takes time to study the images in a careful manner he or she will become more knowledgeable and interesting personality. One is also more likely to produce images that have more meaning for more people.ReferencesTop of FormMcLuhan, M. (2005).Understanding media: The extensions of man. New York: McGraw-Hill.Bottom of FormTop of FormHallin, D. C., & Mancini, P. (2004).Comparing media systems: Three models of media and politics. Cambridge [u.a.: Cambridge University Press.Bottom of FormTop of FormAlba-Juez, L. (2009).Perspectives on discourse analysis: Theory and practice. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Pub.Bottom of Form