In this activity, you will be doing an observation project. You will  set up an experiment in which you will objectively observe a species in a  natural habitat for 2 hours.
1. Conduct your observations over one species in a natural habitat  for two hours. Note: this does not include a nature video, your home,  people at the beach, classmates or relatives, or domesticated animals.
Your observation is only over 1 species and not multiple species and  it should be on wild species found in a natural habitat. For example, if  you are observing egrets, that’s all you’re observing. You don’t also  observe alligators, herons, ibises, etc.
The following are approved locations for observation:

Nature park: state or county
Pond, lake or river
Local zoo
Local aquarium

While observing, record your observations using the following guidelines:

Record your observations in a Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx),  or transfer your written notes to a Microsoft Word document following  your observations.
All observations will be checked for originality / duplication among the group.
Start each observation with a time, date and weather conditions.
Record the time at 10 minute intervals throughout the observation for a total of 2 hours.
Record simply what is going on in the area during your time there.  Was there one individual or many of the same species? Was the species  you are observing interacting with other organisms? If so, was it  another organism of the same or different species? Was the species you  are observing sleeping, eating, etc. Do not make any judgments in the  observation.
Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include at least 5 pictures taken on site of the observation and the species you are observing.

2. Plan your observation schedule. Your schedule may consist of two  single-hour observations, or one 2 hour observation. Make sure to note  time, date and weather conditions regardless of schedule.
3. Read the following resources to learn about systematic observations:

“What is Naturalistic Observation?” article by Kendry Cherry
“Outdoor Action Guide to Nature Observation & Stalking” article by Rick Curtis
Sample observations blog by the Montana Natural History Center
Observation Examples

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Ace Tutors
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