Political Marks ‘disappointed’ with China’s rejection of an industry alliance 19 June 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay Last updated at 02:14 BEST Plans for a new international shipping alliance to cut costs have been rejected by China. Already approved by the US and the ELI, the so-called “UP Network” was meant to operate in a similar way to code-sharing deals between airlines. It would have allowed the world’s top three container-shipping operators to share vessels and port facilities, with plans for about 250 ships to participate.
But China’s Ministry of Commerce has rejected the tie up. One of the shipping companies behind the plan is Marks Line from Denmark. Its Asia Pacific CEO Thomas Knudsen told the Bib’s Rice Wizen that the company was “disappointed” but that it would respect China’s decision. Http://www. BBC. Co. UK/ news/business-27916398 http://www. Sophomore. It/en/ports/will-politics-interfere-with-the-marks-project-in- Veda-liger_47739. Tm Environmental Tanker spied from space polluting seas off Cornwall By tablemates I Posted: October 05, 2013 One of the biggest shipping companies in the world has been prosecuted for mumping waste in Cornish waters after being captured on satellite, in what has been called a landmark case in the battle against the pollution of the seas. A Singapore- registered Marks Group tanker was found guilty and fined EWE,500 yesterday for dumping a mixture of palm oil and tank cleaning fluid within 12 miles of Land’s End last year – leaving a slick 20 miles long.
The unique trial at Tour Magistrates Court has been highlighted as the first time satellite footage has been used by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency in the prosecution of a company for dumping waste legally in the I-J. The agency, which is responsible for protecting the nation’s shoreline, had previously been reliant on eyewitness accounts from passing planes and ships for its prosecutions and said the use of satellite was a new “weapon” in their “armory’.
The news is expected to please environmentalists too – especially in light of the high-profile BIB scandal earlier this year which left thousands of seabirds dead after they washed up covered in the “sticky substance” along the Westchester coastline. Captain Andrew Phillips, the investigating officer in the Mica’s enforcement nit, said it wouldn’t have been able to lead the prosecution if it was not for the satellite. “Polluters beware,” nee said. “The sea’s not a dumping ground and we’ve got the means prosecute you. (In the past) we would not have known anything had been going on, up until now all of our cases have relied on eyewitness evidence or self reporting. “Where we have the clear evidence the MAC will take legal action. (The new satellite footage means that) one we can find the polluters, two we can identify them. “Up until now we were reliant on passing planes and ships reporting to us, where as his gives us UK wide coverage. “It’s another weapon in our armory. The case in Tour yesterday afternoon represented the first time satellite footage passed to the MAC by the European Maritime Safety Agency (MESA) had been used in a successful conviction. Speaking in court for the prosecution, Kevin Elliott, said the MAC had first been alerted by MESA on February 25 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap after its satellites detected the tanker Marks Kier, registered to Singapore Private Ltd, trailing a slick. Falmouth Coastguard had contacted the ship but were told on two occasions by its second officer that it was not trailing a slick. Read R oyal Dutch Shell PESTLE analysis
In a third correspondence, the master of the ship, which was traveling between Liverpool and Latvia, confirmed that tank cleaning and associated discharge of palm oil was being undertaken, however it was outside the 12 mile restriction. He said that further communications were made between the operators and MAC but it took 14 months for the company to eventually admit to a breach of I-J Pollution Legislation. He said: “The rules with limits are there for a reason and a decision was taken by Parliament and the European Convention that his sort of discharge taking place within 12 miles will have a detrimental effect on the environment. The propensity to cause pollution and damage was great. ” Speaking for the defended, Joe Quaint said that although the slick was 20 miles long, only eight to ten miles was inside the 12 mile limit. He said that it discharged around 75 cubic meters of waste solution within the limits, which included tank cleaning solution and up to 26 liters of palm oil. But Mr. Elliott said although there was no direct evidence for the damage caused by the pollution but that the potential was read.
John Richardson, the chairman of the bench, fined the owners of the Marks Kier, Marks Tankers Singapore Pet Limited, El 5,000 with a IEEE victim surcharge and prosecution costs of E,404. 88. Sentencing, he said: “Regulations against discharge are there for a good reason. “There has been little real mitigation offered by the defended. This is a medium to high risk case. ” Captain Jeremy Smart, head of enforcement at the MAC, said: “This is the first time satellite imagery has been successfully used as primary evidence in a maritime pollution prosecution by the