Mandela is released from prison after having spent there so many years. Later, he is elected president and a newspaper issues appears with the headline “He can win an election but he can’t ran a country’ as a legitimate question. These were the common threats between British people and natives at that moment. Reconciliation was an important matter for Mandela during his commandment, this was showed in a part were a black officer, who requested for help at his sector, ninnies to cooperate with the help of white men even though Mandela had authorized it.
Media, as black people call him, stands by the phrase “forgiveness liberates the soul, that’s why it is such a powerful weapon” making clear that he believes that both cultures don’t have to eliminate and discriminate each other but to merge. After he found out that there was a conspiracy in the rugby team to change the t-shirt as a demonstration that now British people were no longer related to the rugby team and engine there still were waving apartheid flags, he said it was time for everyone to move on.
Mandela’s daughter was offended or disgusted to see how her father accepted British men in spite of the fact that they had considered him a terrorist. As a consequence, Mandela explains to black people, who were planning the conspiracy, not to change the team at all so as not to show fear and show they were way better than the British. Mandela had studied there and also knew his “enemy’ very well. He tried to convince them not to seek revenge because It was time to build a new nation ND that, by doing this, It would only reinforce the circle of evil.
Mandela recognized that the country needed to feel greatness so that Is why he points out that through rugby they could achieve It. To do so, he decides to meet the captain of the team with the purpose to motivate, stimulate, Inspire and get him to know that he trusted his leadership and In the whole Springboks rugby team. The captain needs to develop skills throughout effort, skillfulness and the constant training with motivation and passion.