Imago Dei Week 9 Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion
Imago Dei Week 9 Ace my homework – Write my paper – Online assignment help tutors – Discussion
Imago Dei is one of the foundations for nursing and humankind in
general. Being created in the image of God reminds us that we are
made like Him-his image, not to look like him, per se, but that our
ways and character should be like God, one of loving one another
despite differences and looking to improve and support one
another’s lives, not to destroy or undermine each other (White,
2020). This is to serve as a reminder that we, as humans, all have
worth and nobody is more important than anyone else, we are all
in His image and are important.
When providing care to our patients, there is no time to consider if
this person is worthy to save, heal or provide excellent care to. We
are all in His image, imago Dei, and He loves us all equally. Our
self-worth or that of our patients does not lie in our demographics
or bank account. All should be treated as if we are always treating
the Holy One. The cross was for us all and there should never be a
hesitancy in our practice to impart care due for any patient. Doing
good and helping others should form the basis for our interactions
with our patients and mankind in general if we are truly to
embrace imago Dei. As all of us are worthy of respect; our
interventions should show our love and respect for anyone we are
serving. “Serving” is a word that is used in the Bible over and over,
it encompasses what our occupation is about and what our God
meant when he created us for communion with him.
NUR 445L Acute chronic Health disruption in adult III
Reflection on Nursing Knowledge and Practice: Understanding the Integration of General Education in Clinical Settings. Nursing is a field that requires a solid foundation of knowledge acquired through general education courses as well as clinical experience. The integration of knowledge from subjects such as anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and nutrition is critical for effective nursing practice. […]