I need help writing my essay – research paper read the following post and add information or comment on the post . One page with 2 reference and citation
The problem that I talked about during last week’s discussion was nurses experiencing burn out during a pandemic. The research design that I believe would best fit this problem would be qualitative. According to this week’s lesson, “qualitative designs are chosen in order to understand the meaning of phenomena and may form the basis of theories.” (Chamberlain University, 2020). More specifically, I believe the study is focused on phenomenology. “Phenomenology develops understanding of experiences through the perception of those living them.” (Chamberlain University, 2020). The study should focus on interventions to reduce burn out in nurses and how nurses are responding to them. The research method should include participants who understand the study and are willing to express feelings and experiences. The findings will be described from the participants point-of-view (“Qualitative Research Designs”, n.d.). This will give us the best idea of how the nurses are feeling based on the interventions we study.
Chamberlain University. (2020). Week 3: The Research Design. https://chamberlain.instructure.com/courses/69443/pages/week-3-the-research-design?module_item_id=9595709
Qualitative Research Designs. (n.d.). http://www.umsl.edu/~lindquists/qualdsgn.html