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The comparisons of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores based on the highest level of education attained by the test taker’s parents are provided. A research hypothesis was that students whose parents had attained a higher level of education would on average score higher on the SAT. The overall mean SAT math score was 514. SAT math scores for independent samples of students follow.

Two samples are contained in the Excel Online file below. The first sample shows the SAT math test scores for students whose parents are college graduates with a bachelor’s degree. The second sample shows the SAT math test scores for students whose parents are high school graduates but do not have a college degree. Use the Excel Online spreadsheet below to answer the following questions.

a. Formulate the hypotheses that can be used to determine whether the sample data support the hypothesis that students show a higher population mean math score on the SAT if their parents attained a higher level of education.

u1=population mean math score parents college grads.

u2=population mean math score parents high school grads.

c. Compute the t-value, degrees of freedom, and p-value for the hypothesis test.

t-value (to 4 decimals)

Degrees of freedom

p-value (to 4 decimals)


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Comparisons of Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores are provided based on the highest level of education attained by the test taker’s parents. A research hypothesis was that students whose parents had a higher level of education would score higher on the SAT on average. The average SAT math score was 514 overall. The following are SAT math scores for independent samples of students.

The Excel Online file below contains two samples. The first sample shows the SAT math test scores of students whose parents have a bachelor’s degree. The second sample shows the SAT math test scores for students whose parents are high school graduates but do not have a

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