Read the FedEx Office Case Study (PDF) and review the FedEx Office Case Study Template_Fall 2020-1.doc
before you begin this exercise. The written submission is an internal report using professional business writing skills. The analysis should be in a business format with clearly identified sections and headings for each of the required evaluation areas as presented by your instructor in class.
- Relevant facts – specify all of the relevant facts associated with the situation as outlined in the case study. Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include facts for both the seller (FedEx Office) and the buyer (Global Training Associates). For FedEx Office this includes two parts – background and potential solutions. For Global Training Associates, this includes two parts – background and complete process for producing and shipping materials.
- Situation Questions – After analyzing the relevant facts, submit four (4) or more Situation Questions which would uncover those facts in the sales call role play.
- Problems Analysis – identify and fully analyze a minimum of four problems that the seller can solve.
- Problem Questions– After fully analyzing the problems, submit four (4) or more Problems Questions which would uncover those problems/needs in the sales call role play.
- Analysis of the Implications – specify and fully analyze a minimum of four implications related to the four problems analyzed in the previous section. Implications must be the future, more severe implications that will occur if the problems are not solved.
- Implication Questions– After fully analyzing the implications, submit four (4) or more Implication Questions which would uncover those future, more severe implications in the sales call role play.
- Potential FedEx Office solutions to the Global Training Associates’ problems – present and explain a minimum of four solutions that FedEx Office can offer to solve the Global Training Associates’ problems. Each solution must fully explain how it solves the problem and be supported with specific FedEx Office features.
- Benefits of the potential FedEx Office solutions – Identify and fully explain a minimum of four benefits that the Global Training Associates will experience as a result of implementing the FedEx Office’s solutions. Identify the benefiting party – Global Training Associates company, Global Training Associates corporate employees, Global Training Associates trainers, or Global Training Associates clients.
- Need-Payoff Questions – After fully presenting the solutions and benefits, submit four (4) or more Need-Payoff Questions which would move the customer towards agreement to the solutions in the sales call role play.
SECTION 6 – Current Revenue Loss and Quantify Future Revenue Loss
- Calculate the total revenue loss in 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers from the historical revenue (using historical number of seminars and total number of seminars in 2019: 2024 – Online Assignment Homework Writing Help Service By Expert Research Writers)
- Calculate the potential loss of revenue if: 10% of the core trainers quit and take their portion of the training seminars with them to a competitor.
- Assumptions – list any assumptions that you make that are not included in the case. .
- SPIN Questions – Do not create your SPIN questions until after you have completed the analysis.
The required file format is Word (.docx) or PDF (.pdf) and the file must be uploaded to this assignment. Do not email the file to your instructor. The file must be uploaded to Canvas to be graded.