EDUC 302 Literacy Dig
“Through literacy you can begin to see the universe.”
Project Guidelines: (5 Steps)
1. Dig and Record
Purpose of assignment: you are going to dig through your day and see how literacy functions in your daily world. Write down all of the literacy activities you participate in during a 24-hour period, i.e. from the time you wake up until you go to bed. You could record activities in a small journal or even an audio tape recorder to log experiences but choose a method that is comfortable for you. While the heart of literacy consists of reading and writing, remember that literacy includes all forms of communication processes including speaking and listening. Literacy is ultimately language in use and may also include nonverbal forms of communication.
2. Flow Chart
After maintaining a detailed record of your day’s literacy events, you should compile your findings in a flow chart. Your flow chart should integrate both written text and visual images and should be created on the computer. Many programs, including Word, have simple templates and tools to create flow charts. I encourage you to be creative and play with visual design (color, font, layout, etc.), as well as format (select a flow chart style that fits your data and clearly highlights your findings).
A few notes about flow charts…
Flow charts, which are a type of graphic organizers, are wonderful to use with students across the curriculum, but especially practical in language arts; they are a form of visual literacy and utilize 21st century skills. Flow charts can help
students see connections between ideas or symbols. Flow charts are ideal for providing a framework for writing and can help students organize their thoughts.
3. Analysis of 5 Objects
Carefully review your flow chart and select five literacy objects that hold significant meaning in your life. After deciding on five objects from your flow chart, analyze those objects and write a brief explanation as to the significance of each item.
4. Summary Reflection
Examine your flow chart again and reflect on your overall literacy experiences. Write a general reflection summarizing what you have learned about yourself and how literacy functions in your daily life. Reflection should be approximately
one – follow APA style requirements, i.e. double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font. No reference page is needed for this real world assignment.
5. Assemble and Submit
Submit your finished product as a single Word document (hard copy) to me on February 15th. Your finished product should include the following components:
1) Cover Page 2)Flow Chart 3) Object Analysis and 4) Summary Reflection.