From John F. Kennedy to Martin Luther King and Steve Jobs to President Obama there is a myriad of ways to lead people as there are leaders. When and individual can understand leadership styles and the framework, then he or she can develop their own approach to leadership, and become a more effective leader as a result (Center for Leadership Studies, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). In this paper, I will highlight some of the common approaches to leadership that people can use as well as look at some specific leadership styles, and explore who I see as a successful leader that has incorporated the leadership style in the life and career.
Leader with a Successful Leadership Style Based on the readings, from Sullivan & Decker (2009) and Porter-O’Grady & Malloch (2007) and the electronic reading Jackson, Clements, Averill, & Zimbro (2009); Spillane (2009); and Stanley (2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers). The leader that I see with a successful leadership style is someone who can use a combination of autocratic, democratic, laissez-fair, and bureaucratic leadership styles. Autocratic leader makes all the decisions for the team and uses coercion, punishment, and direction to change the team’s behavior and achieve results regardless if the team members input is beneficial (Sullivan & Decker, 2009, Chapter 4).
Democratic leader utilizes participation, encourage creativity, and majority rule in setting goals and working towards achieving job satisfaction and high productivity. Laissez-fair according to Sullivan & Decker (2009) provides no direction or facilitation and often gives their team members a great deal of freedom in how they perform their work, and how they manage their time. Bureaucratic leaders rely on organizational policies and follow rules rigorously to identify goals and direct work processes (Sullivan & Decker, 2009, Chapter 4).

This approach is best for situations that involve safety risks associated with machinery, toxic substances, any high risk job, and the handling of large sums of money (Center for Leadership Studies, 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). So who do I see as having a successful leadership style, well President Barack Obama comes to mind? Reason President Obama is a Successful Leader The reason I believe President Obama has a successful leadership style is because at any given moment he as to exercise one of the four leadership style discussed above to get the job done.
What I feel stand out the most is his inspiring leadership style in which he share his vision with the nation and challenges the way things are done. According to Sullivan & Decker (2009) and the contingency theory, leadership behaviors range from authoritarian to permissive and vary in relation to current needs and future probabilities. As the President of the United States of America (U. S. A. ), Obama must behave in authoritarian way when requiring people to obey rules or laws for example rules and laws under the Affordable Care Act or Obama Care.
I feel that Obamas leadership style comes from a personal and passionate desire to infuse meaning into the world through promoting higher learning, educating children on health issues, and creating job in tough economic times. However, President Obama like other leader has found himself stuck in a particular leading style of consensus-seeking even when that style has failed (Goleman, 2011). Again relating to the Affordable Care Act or Obama Care, but whatever the leading style, what I believe makes President Obama a successful leader is that he ask the “why not” question and “do the right thing as he faces his opponents (Goleman, 2011).
Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment and Leadership Theories Used I believe that President Barack Obama uses a contemporary theory in which he uses a combination of quantum, charismatic, transactional, transformational, relational, shared, and servant leadership. According to Sullivan & Decker (2009) contemporary theory comprise a new generation of leadership style to meet the need to humanize working environments and improve organizational performance. Historical Leader A historical figure that I believe exemplified leadership is Abraham Lincoln; I say this because against all odds he implemented change in a world that opposed everything about his ideas.
However he did not give up when people said it could not be done. Based on reading that I have come across in the past it seems that President Lincoln believed in his action and decisions and to this day is remembered for his role as a leader in preserving the Union during the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation that lead to the end of slavery in the United States (Abraham Lincoln Research Site, 1996-2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay). Leadership and Team Self- Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment Assessment The result of my leadership and team self-management assessment was 73. Leadership style compare to the successful leader identified
My leadership style is dwarfed compare to the successful leader I identified. I have a great deal to learn and develop before my leadership styles are at their level. While in the U. S. Marine Corps I developed some traits that were more focused on autocratic and bureaucratic. However, I have learned to incorporate some other leadership styles in efforts to be a better leader. I define my leadership as someone that motivates people, to challenge management when issues make no sense by asking questions, and helping other make the impossibility possible. Traits of the successful leader that I need to develop
The traits that a successful leader has and that I need to develop are the quantum and charismatic traits. Some individuals possess the capability to adapt and overcome a constantly changing environment. Charisma is another trait that I need to develop, again for some people this trait can come naturally and for other like me have to work extra hard and even practice this trait on a daily bases. Strengths I have from which your example leader could benefit The strength I have that could benefit the example leaders, is listening, a valuable strength that I believe successful leader try to do but instead focus on hearing.
Granted one cannot listen to everyone’s issues, but it is important for leaders to listen to issues that will make a significant difference for better good of society. Another, strength is sharing knowledge, but I think this is something the leader I described is already doing in sharing how new law will change the way of life for the greater good. Conclusion Leadership is not an easy trait, yet some take to it naturally and other have to work at it hard and other well are forced or dumped into it. Regardless of how anyone gets into a leadership role, leaders have to be able to adapt and change style when required. John F.
Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Steve Jobs or President Obama were and are successful leaders because they did and do not focus on just one leadership style. According to Center for Leadership Studies (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay For Me Without Delay) no one style of leadership fits all situations, so it’s useful to understand different leadership frameworks and leadership styles so that leaders can then adapt their approach to fit his or her situation. In today’s complicated business world leaders have to attend to and acknowledge others as well as be enthusiastic, energized, committed, and inspire others to commit to the goals of the organization (Sullivan & Decker, 2009, p. 62).

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