Problem I: Ace my homework – Write a complete Go program whose main function spawns a fan of n goroutines and synchronizes them, without busy waiting, so that they cooperatively alternate printing ping pong to standard error, where n is given as a command-line argument. Each line must be printed to standard error by a different goroutine, and no goroutine must printmore than once. The goroutines need not print in the order in which they are created. For instance,
$ go run PingPongFan. go 10
1 ping // printed by goroutine 9
2 pong // printed by goroutine 5
3 ping // printed by goroutine 3
4 pong // printed by goroutine 4
5 ping // printed by goroutine 2
6 pong // printed by goroutine 6
7 ping // printed by goroutine 7
8 pong // printed by goroutine 8
9 ping // printed by goroutine 1
10 pong // printed by goroutine 10
Your program must not contain any race conditions. Do not give more than 25 lines of code.
Problem II: Ace my homework – Write a complete Go program whose main function spawns a chain of n goroutines and synchronizes them, without busy waiting, so that they cooperatively alternate printing ping pong to standard error, where n is given as a command-line argument. Each line must be printed to standard error by a different goroutine, and no goroutine must print more than once. For instance,
$ go run PingPongChain. go 10 1 ping // printed by goroutine 1 2 pong // printed by goroutine 2 3 ping // printed by goroutine 3 4 pong // printed by goroutine 4 5 ping // printed by goroutine 5 6 pong // printed by goroutine 6 7 ping // printed by goroutine 7 8 pong // printed by goroutine 8
9 ping // printed by goroutine 9
10 pong // printed by goroutine 10
Your program must not contain any race conditions. Do not give more than 25 lines of code.
The Development of American Literature
In the years that followed, American businessmen merged the processes and created successful publishing houses which created a need for the development of American literature. In the early 18005, limited resources such as financial stability and viable transportation made publishing in the United States a less than profitable venture. The rand 18005, however, generated technology […]