Chapter FOUR
4.1 Introduction
This chapter will be discuss and explains about the analysis and findings which from two mention surveies every bit good as the literature reappraisal through comparative analysis. The facets that will be used to compare are site background, end and design attack, design layout, comfortss, hardscape and softscape choice, handiness and circulation every bit good as the activities. Those aspect are considered the dependable from literature reappraisal to be portion of urban park design planning. This chapter will stop up with treatment of analysis between both park which are Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park every bit good as The North Lynnwood Park
4.2. Site Background
Both of Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park and The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park are different type of park but those park are similar in using Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design ( CPTED ) rules which seeks
to hold a nothing offense in the park. Table 4.1 shows the comparing of basic background for both Parkss.
Table 4.1 Comparison of site background for both Parkss.
Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville
Local Park
The North Lynnwood
Neighbourhood Park
Entire country: 17 estates.
Built by Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission ( M-NCPPC ) Parks in 1962.
Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include community centre, features resort areas, a softball field, two multiuse Fieldss, four tennis tribunals, a football or association football field and a picnic country.
Entire country: 6 estates.
Developed in 1970 and initiated by Lynnwood Elementary School instructors, every bit good as the pupils.
Get custom essay samples and course-specific study resources via course hero homework for you service – Include big active drama, picnic country, an out-of-door public presentation infinite, spray Parkss and new drama equipment known as “Dragon Park” .
Based on the tabular array above, both Parkss attract public because it’s operation as a topographic point for socialize every bit good as there are besides provided several diversion installations for recreational activities. The Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park consist of several installations within the park which may be used by batch of people in one clip. As compared to the North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park, it is besides consist of installations as usual for a park, but the figure of user may be somewhat different.
4.3 Goal and design attack
Goal and design attack is of import and considered in design planning because of peculiar Parkss must lies on that facet. These facet is based on how the end will be achieved through the selected attack in developing a good park. From both mention surveies, it seem that both park have their ain end but used the same attack which is CPTED to accomplish a good park.
For Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park, it want to make a successful park every bit good as the unfastened infinite system in the hereafter through the devising of bing Parkss and unfastened infinites as utile and attractive as possible and besides making the right every bit good as suitable of new comfortss and linkages within the park.
The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park besides have about the same purpose which is to supply appropriate new diversion installations every bit good as redevelop the bing 1s and make a new out-of-door public presentation infinite for Lynnwood Elementary School pupils and occupants. But, both Parkss have to accomplish the purpose through several aims that might be different.
Table 4.2 The difference aims used by both Parkss to accomplish the end.
Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville
Local Park
The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park
I. Supply more visibleness to other
installations in the park such as the
resort area, hoops and others.
two. Better a better entree control in
covering with vehicular and
prosaic traffic.
three. Supply better natural surveillance
for those who entered the park.
I. Supply installations for diversion
activities based on the user needs.
two. Develop recreational resources and
chances that are built-in in
the landscape and outdoor
atmosphere that may include
walking, jogging, biking every bit good as
continuing the natural countries.
Harmonizing to the comparing of two mention surveies, both park are taking about the same end but different manner to accomplish it but still based on CPTED rules. The Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park is indirectly giving a comfy and secured atmosphere for the users as to allow the relaxation for better natural surveillance and supply more visibleness to other installations. Compared to The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park had intended to repair up the installations with the new one within the park to make better atmosphere as the park is used by the school kids every bit good as the occupants which to maintain out fright of offenses.
4.4 Design Layout
A good park design is due to the planning of a good layout puting which is the right and suited combination of workss every bit good as the characteristics will make a pleasing visual aspect and an environmentally friendly layout which mean a safer park. Through the two mention surveies, the design layout was compared to find the design which sing the offense bar schemes.
Table 4.3 The difference design layout of two mention surveies.
Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville
Local Park
The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park
Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park was networking within the park linked to each other of the pathway and the cycleway every bit good as the planting strategy. These are the possibility to make hiding infinite within the full layout of the park.
The Gwendolyn Coffield Community Center becomes a focal point of the park since the installations provided are around the centre.
The installations that are provided is designated to be at the border of the park margin to guarantee the natural surveillance within the park.
The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park is designed by positioning the looping pathway at the center of the park to be the focal point. The prosaic paseo was created to buffer by trees and other plantings.
The design of the park every bit good as the external layout supplying more inclusion of corners that can hide people by twenty-four hours or dark.
The planting strategy gives the obstructor of public’s position as the structural planting is planted at the margin of the park every bit good as to deny entree to offense marks and to make a perceptual experience of hazards to wrongdoers.
Based on the tabular array above, the circulation and pathway every bit good as the cycleway is appropriate to the design counsel for both Parkss as a good park design. These is designed to let walking within the park every bit good as such a desire lines for the users. Planting strategy besides played the same function of circulation, pathway and cycleway due to the CPTED rules which is the natural entree control.
Apart from that, both park have their ain focal point which is a topographic point that people will garner or play around. For Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park, the community centre shown in Figure 3.6 act as a focal point of the park because the installations provided are around the centre which is to guarantee the natural surveillance within the park. While focal point for the North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park is the looping pathway because of its place which is at the center of the park. The focal point is one of the facet for a good park design that act as natural surveillance.
4.5 Comfortss, hardscape and softscape choice
Comfortss and hardscape choice of urban park is sensible to be compared with looking at the offense bar facet as these provided in those park is influence to make societal interaction among the users. For softscape choice every bit good as landscaping played function to heighten the natural agreeableness in the park. It is of import, nevertheless, to guarantee that heavy leaf and inappropriate planting does non take to chances for privacy and possible offense.
Table 4.4 Comparison of comfortss, hardscape choice for both Parkss.
Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville
Local Park
The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park
A big unfastened space/ resort area
A multi-use football and association football field
A baseball field
Two tennis tribunals
One and a half hoops tribunals
Community centre
Security illuming within the park
Spray park
Reservable field day installations
Large active drama countries
Play Equipment
Basketball Court
Outdoor Stages/Performance Area
Public toilets
Based on the tabular array 4.4, the comfortss every bit good as the hardscape provided in Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park are accessible in footings of security facet as the characteristics is accommodating security component as the comfortss and the infinite provided can make a societal atmosphere. Harmonizing to Cranz ( 1982 ) , people will utilize the park for their sociable infinite where people get to utilize ephemeral scene, run into friends do other recreational activities. Compared to The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park, the park provided good comfortss, but the hardscape characteristics of the park is rather unequal to back up the safety environment.
Table 4.5 Comparison of softscape choice for both Parkss.
Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville
Local Park
The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park
The park encompasses about 70 % of plantings. This is possible to do a fly-by-night country every bit good as to supply screen for related and suited activities.
The planting choice need to suit the local ecology and recreational context.
The workss choice is making a form which is covering at the border of the park.
The usage of workss are to give and supply the coloring material every bit good as the texture of planting.
Based on the tabular array 4.5, softscape choice is an of import component in a park which it’s played different function due to the local surrounding. This is because each seting strategy will be reflecting the image of the park.
4.6 Accessibility and circulation
Accessibility and circulation aspect played function in developing a good and better park. The design fundamentally to heighten the existent and perceived safety of paseo users, by avoiding from taking people into unsafe state of affairss or countries.
Table 4.6 Comparison of the handiness and circulation of both Parkss.
Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville
Local Park
The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park
The handiness or street layout provided to take the motion of the users within the park is clearly where it is connects to the whole country.
The form of park’s handiness or street layout is more to make the natural way scene and the circulation of the way design is excessively loopy.
Based on table 4.6, both Parkss seem to give and allow the users enjoy the different atmosphere of the park through different form of handiness every bit good as circulation. Unfortunately, both circulation design is beliing to the design counsel of park. . The design of pathway should be more in the direct desire lines because the direct entree will allow in making more concealed topographic points ( Qolcuhoun, 2004 ) .
4.7 Activity
Basically, each park will supply public societal infinite, lawn country every bit good as recreational installations as a topographic point that signifiers and creates activity for the societal and environmental wellness of communities. These will indirectly give some basic counsel for offense decrease within the park ( Singapore National Prevention Council, 2003 ) .
Table 4.7 Activities of both Parkss.
Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville
Local Park
The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park
Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park supplying a batch of infinite for activities that may include athleticss, fittingness, dance, music, art, or the chance to fall in together with friends and neighbors for a particular jubilation or societal assemblage which to guarantee the park is full used.
The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park supplying out-of-door public presentations infinite which include two phases, amphitheater seating and a big mounting bowlder for the intent of making other activities to do the park more energetic.
Based on the tabular array above, both Parkss somewhat supplying the same activities which to maintain and guarantee the Parkss utile to the users every bit good as the occupants. Through the development of unfastened infinite programs which to heighten ocular agreeableness of an country do non hold the possible to endanger the safety of the users ( Christiansen, 1977 ) . So, the more ocular comfortss are provided within the park, there more activities will be occurred.
4.8 Drumhead
From the comparative analysis made between Rosemary Hills-Lyttonsville Local Park and The North Lynnwood Neighbourhood Park, it can be concluded that the chief consideration of forestalling offense in urban park are site background, end and design attack, design layout, comfortss, hardscape and softscape choice, handiness and circulation every bit good as the activities aspect. These should go the design guidelines during the spacial design in developing successful urban park based on CPTED rules. Both Parkss shown a good attacks in using the CPTED rules through those aspect. Hence, the design guidelines for urban park should see the strengths from both Parkss order to make a zero offense environment every bit good as a comfy and safer atmosphere within the park.
McCormick, J. ( 2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers ) .Design Against Crime. National Recreation and Park Association
Drakakis, S. and David, W. ( 1981 ) .Urbanization, Housing and the Development Procedure. London: Croom Helm.
Jamil bin Abu Bakar ( 2002 ) .A Design Guide for Public Parks in Malaysia. Johor Darul Ta’zim: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Singapore National Crime Prevention Council ( 2003 ) .Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Guidebook. Singapore: Singapore Public Affairs Department.