Transformative, Social, and Experiential Educational Learning Theories
Educational learning theories are frameworks that explain how people learn and acquire knowledge. They can help teachers design effective instruction and assessment methods, as well as understand the needs and preferences of their students. In this blog post, we will explore three additional learning theories that go beyond the traditional ones of behaviorism, cognitive, constructivism, humanism, and connectivism. These are transformative, social, and experiential learning theories.
Transformative Learning Theory
Transformative learning theory is a framework proposed by Mezirow (1991). It asserts that through reflection, active learning, and placing ourselves in uncomfortable situations students are able to develop their understanding of the world and of themselves, allowing a potential change to their perspectives and frames of reference. Transformative learning theory is based on the idea that learners are not passive recipients of information, but active agents who construct their own meaning from their experiences. Transformative learning theory also emphasizes the role of emotions, values, and beliefs in shaping learners’ identities and actions.
Some strategies to apply transformative learning theory in the classroom are:
– Encourage learners to question their assumptions and challenge their existing beliefs
– Provide opportunities for learners to engage in critical dialogue and debate with peers and instructors
– Incorporate diverse perspectives and sources of information into the curriculum
– Facilitate learners’ self-awareness and self-reflection through journals, portfolios, or feedback
– Support learners’ autonomy and agency in choosing their own learning goals and activities
Social Learning Theory
Social learning theory is a framework proposed by Bandura (1977). It asserts that people learn not only from their own experiences, but also from observing and imitating others. Social learning theory is based on the idea that learners are influenced by the social environment and the behavior of others. Social learning theory also emphasizes the role of motivation, self-efficacy, and reinforcement in shaping learners’ behavior and outcomes.
Some strategies to apply social learning theory in the classroom are:
– Model desired behaviors and skills for learners to observe and emulate
– Provide opportunities for learners to collaborate and cooperate with peers and instructors
– Incorporate social media and online communities into the learning process
– Use praise, feedback, rewards, or incentives to reinforce learners’ achievements
– Help learners set realistic and attainable goals and monitor their progress
Experiential Learning Theory
Experiential learning theory is a framework proposed by Kolb (1984). It asserts that people learn best by doing and reflecting on their actions. Experiential learning theory is based on the idea that learners are active participants who cycle through four stages of learning: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Experiential learning theory also emphasizes the role of personal interests, preferences, and styles in influencing learners’ engagement and performance.
Some strategies to apply experiential learning theory in the classroom are:
– Provide opportunities for learners to engage in hands-on activities that relate to real-world situations
– Encourage learners to reflect on their experiences and connect them to theoretical concepts
– Allow learners to apply their knowledge and skills in new contexts or scenarios
– Adapt the learning activities to suit learners’ different learning styles and preferences
– Support learners’ exploration and discovery through guidance and feedback
Transformative, social, and experiential learning theories are three additional frameworks that can help teachers understand how people learn and how to enhance their learning outcomes. By applying these theories in the classroom, teachers can create more engaging, meaningful, and effective learning experiences for their students.
Bandura, A. (1977). Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Kolb, D.A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience as The Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Mezirow, J. (1991). Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.