Islam’s Political Influence
Islam is one of the major world religions, with over 1.8 billion followers. It is also a political force that shapes the lives of millions of people across the globe. Islam’s political influence can be traced back to its origins in the 7th century CE, when the Prophet Muhammad united the Arabian tribes under his leadership and established a new religious and political order based on the Quran and the sunnah (the teachings and practices of the Prophet). Islam expanded rapidly through conquest and conversion, and by the 8th century, it had reached North Africa, Spain, Central Asia, and India. The Islamic civilization reached its peak under the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258), which fostered a golden age of science, culture, and trade.
However, Islam also faced challenges and divisions throughout its history. The first major split occurred after the death of Muhammad, when his followers disagreed over who should succeed him as the leader of the Muslim community. This led to the emergence of two main branches of Islam: Sunni and Shia. Sunni Muslims believe that the caliph (the successor of Muhammad) should be chosen by consensus among the Muslims, while Shia Muslims believe that the caliph should be a descendant of Muhammad through his cousin and son-in-law Ali. The Sunni-Shia divide has been a source of conflict and violence for centuries, and it still affects the politics of many Muslim countries today.
Another challenge for Islam was the rise of Western imperialism and colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries, which undermined the political and economic autonomy of many Muslim lands. Many Muslims felt humiliated and oppressed by foreign domination, and they sought to revive their Islamic identity and values. Some adopted a reformist approach, which aimed to reinterpret and modernize Islam in light of contemporary challenges. Others adopted a revivalist approach, which aimed to restore and purify Islam from foreign influences and innovations. These two approaches gave birth to various political movements that utilized Islamic symbols and traditions to pursue different sociopolitical objectives. These movements are collectively known as Islamism or political Islam.
Islamism is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of ideologies, from moderate to radical, from democratic to authoritarian, from peaceful to violent. Some Islamists advocate for democracy, human rights, and pluralism within an Islamic framework. Others advocate for the establishment of an Islamic state based on sharia (Islamic law) and reject any form of secularism or Westernization. Some Islamists resort to violence and terrorism to achieve their goals, while others use peaceful means such as elections and civil society activism. Some examples of Islamist movements are the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas in Palestine, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Ennahda in Tunisia, Justice and Development Party in Turkey, Jamaat-e-Islami in Pakistan, Taliban in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda, and Islamic State.
Islam’s political influence is not limited to Islamist movements. Many Muslims who do not identify as Islamists also participate in politics and express their views on various issues from an Islamic perspective. For instance, many Muslims support democracy as a form of governance that is compatible with Islam’s principles of consultation (shura) and accountability (musharaka). Many Muslims also advocate for social justice, human dignity, and environmental protection as part of their Islamic ethics. Many Muslims also oppose oppression, corruption, and violence as contrary to Islam’s teachings of peace (salam) and justice (adl).
Islam’s political influence is a complex phenomenon that reflects the diversity and dynamism of the Muslim world. It cannot be reduced to a single ideology or agenda. It is influenced by historical, cultural, social, economic, and geopolitical factors that vary from region to region and from time to time. It is also shaped by the interactions and dialogues between Muslims and non-Muslims within and across different contexts. Islam’s political influence is not static or monolithic; it is constantly evolving and changing in response to new challenges and opportunities.
Works Cited
– Pew Research Center. “Chapter 3: Role of Islam in Politics write my paper assignment help.” Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes Project , 10 July 2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap, 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap/07/10/chapter-3-role-of-islam-in-politics/.
– Wikipedia contributors. “Political aspects of Islam.” Wikipedia , The Free Encyclopedia , 18 December 2021,
– Britannica , The Editors of Encyclopaedia . “Islamism.” Encyclopædia Britannica , Encyclopædia Britannica , inc., 9 December 2021,