Forgotten and well-known branches of Christianity
Christianity is a diverse and complex religion that has many branches and denominations. Some of them are well-known and widespread, while others are obscure and forgotten. Here is a brief overview of some of the major and minor branches of Christianity, as well as some of their distinctive features and histories.
– Catholicism: The largest branch of Christianity, Catholicism is based on the teachings of the Bible and the traditions of the early Church. It is led by the Pope in Rome, and places a strong emphasis on the sacraments and the role of Mary and the saints. Catholicism traces its origins to the apostolic succession of Peter, who is considered the first Pope. Catholicism has about 1.3 billion adherents worldwide, and is divided into several rites, such as Latin, Byzantine, Maronite, and Syriac.
– Protestantism: Protestantism emerged in the 16th century as a result of the Reformation, a movement that challenged the authority and doctrines of the Catholic Church. Protestantism encompasses a wide variety of denominations and beliefs, such as Anglicanism, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Baptism, Methodism, Pentecostalism, Adventism, and Evangelicalism. Protestantism emphasizes the authority of scripture alone (sola scriptura), justification by faith alone (sola fide), and the priesthood of all believers. Protestantism has about 900 million adherents worldwide, and is especially prevalent in North America, Europe, and Africa.
– Eastern Orthodoxy: Eastern Orthodoxy is one of the oldest branches of Christianity, dating back to the first centuries of the Church. It is based on the teachings of the seven ecumenical councils and the traditions of the Eastern Church Fathers. It is led by a synod of bishops, headed by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. Eastern Orthodoxy places a strong emphasis on the mystery of God, the veneration of icons, and the liturgy. Eastern Orthodoxy has about 220 million adherents worldwide, and is mainly concentrated in Eastern Europe, Russia, Greece, and the Middle East.
– Oriental Orthodoxy: Oriental Orthodoxy is another ancient branch of Christianity that split from Eastern Orthodoxy in the 5th century over a Christological dispute. It is based on the teachings of only three ecumenical councils and the traditions of the Oriental Church Fathers. It is led by a synod of patriarchs or catholicos, such as the Pope of Alexandria, the Patriarch of Antioch, and the Catholicos of Armenia. Oriental Orthodoxy places a strong emphasis on the humanity and divinity of Christ (miaphysitism), monasticism, and asceticism. Oriental Orthodoxy has about 60 million adherents worldwide, and is mainly found in Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Armenia, India, and Syria.
– Church of the East: The Church of the East is another ancient branch of Christianity that split from Oriental Orthodoxy in the 5th century over a Christological dispute. It is based on the teachings of only two ecumenical councils and the traditions of Nestorius and Theodore of Mopsuestia. It is led by a patriarch or catholicos-patriarch, currently based in Baghdad. The Church of the East places a strong emphasis on the two natures and two persons of Christ (dyophysitism), missionary work, and scholarship. The Church of
the East has about half a million adherents worldwide, and is mainly located in Iraq, Iran, India, China, and Japan.
– Gnosticism: Gnosticism is a forgotten branch of Christianity that emerged in
the first century AD, and emphasizes the importance of spiritual knowledge or gnosis. It was declared a heresy by the early Church but has influenced a number
of modern spiritual movements. Gnosticism has various sects and teachings,
such as Valentinianism, Sethianism, Manichaeism, Catharism, and Mandaeism.
Gnosticism often rejects or reinterprets the material world, the Old Testament,
and the orthodox view of Christ. Gnosticism has no clear estimate of adherents,
and is mostly studied through ancient texts or contemporary groups that claim
gnostic affiliation or inspiration.
Help write my assignment – Bibliography :
: “Catholic Church”. Wikipedia.
: “Catholic Rites And Churches”. EWTN Global Catholic Network.
: “Protestantism”. Wikipedia.
: “The Protestant Reformation”. Khan Academy.
: “Eastern Orthodox Church”. Wikipedia.
: “Eastern Orthodox Church”. BBC.
: “Oriental Orthodoxy”. Wikipedia.
: “Oriental Orthodox Churches”. World Council of Churches.
: “Church of the East”. Wikipedia.
: “The Church of the East: A Concise History”. Wilhelm Baum and Dietmar W. Winkler. Routledge, 2003.
: “Gnosticism”. Wikipedia.
: “Gnosticism: Ancient and Modern”. The Gnosis Archive.