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DISCUSSION QUESTION 2 – DQ 2 1From No unread replies.No replies.In this Discussion, you will share your experience with Argument Analysis Assignment 1 last week. In your original post you should:Tell which of the arguments you chose to analyze.Tell why you chose that argument over the other one.Tell what you found to be the most difficult part of the assignment and why.Tell what you found to be the most rewarding part of the assignment and why. (Yes, you have to pick something! 😉  )In your reply posts you should do two things:Find at least one “difficult part” that you can respond positively to — i.e., give advice or tell what worked for you.Find at least one “rewarding part” that is related to the “difficult part” you listed in your original post. Respond about how the post has helped you in thinking about these assignments.

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