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– They had to do several activities in order to survive. Even though food affected the lifestyle during slavery, with religion, soul food like greens, and hamburger meat was prepared and grown to help families survive. There were several kinds of slaves during the nineteenth century. The African Americans were the most popular among all the slaves and had the hardest time for survival. They reported in mid-2003 that today: “MillionsOf men, women and children around the world are forced to lead lives as slaves. Although this exploitation is often not called slavery, the conditions are the same.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– People are sold like objects, forced to work for little or no pay and are at the mercy of their ’employers’…. Women from Eastern Europe are bonded into prostitution, children are trafficked between West African countries and men are forced to work as slaves on Brazilian agricultural estates. Contemporary slavery takes various forms and affects people of all ages, sex and race.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.- “(Katz, Solomon H, Smith, Andrew).Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– The European was the second set of slaves, which joined the African American to provide life for them and the African Americans. The African Americans made it easy for them to survive. They knew how to pray, how to get rivalry solved, and learned how to cook all parts Of animals in order to have good dinner meals. [epic] Group of “Contraband’s” at a plantation. The African American slaves were conditions to hard work for wages. They had to encounter many tasks in order to stay with their slave master’s. The slave masters decided whether they had earned enough wages for a days meal or place to stay.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Many of the slave master’s had plantations which the African Americans could do a variety of jobs like crop pulling, planting, weeding, building and carpentering work. Most of this work was manual labor in today’s terminology. Slavery was a legacy in Baltimore and Maryland. “In Baltimore, early seventeenth century the African population has been making contributions to its growth and development both physically and spiritually. ” “Slavery was legal in Maryland; there were more free blacks in Baltimore than there were slaves. (Air Berlin; Herbert Brewer, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers) Maryland now has a university that was built on the plantation of Charles Calvert, who was a slaveholder. Most of this land is used for agricultural and will continue the legacy that Maryland has produce.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Many of the women slaves sold their goods on corners to help with the cost of their establishments or place of residents. Women that were slave and sold their good on street corners. “African cooks in the “Big House” and the slave quarters introduced their native African crops and foods to white planters and farmers, thus linking African and European culinary cultures. (Sara Roamer, 2009). Watermelons, now affectionately as ‘August hams,” were especially popular in Africa and remained a common food among southern blacks and whites in the summer months.. Enslaved Africans sometimes planted watermelons in the cotton or cornfields and enjoyed them during breaks from their work on hot summer days.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– “Another important African dish popular in the slave South was buff, a type of pancake prepared by boiling water and stirring in flour and other ingredients. ” (Sara Roamer, 2009). In South Carolina, this dish is still called “turn meal and flour. Africans prepare buff by mixing palm oil while turning in flour. From this buff mixture, slaves made hoecakes in the fields by using the blades of their hoes as frying pans. Over time, these African foods, grains, and spices helped fashion a form of southern cuisine that was regionally distinct. The African Americans learned how to grow sweet potatoes and cooked them for a Sunday meal.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Many American cuisines are derived from the slang phrase “soul food,” meaning a selection of foods and are the traditional cuisine of African American of the Southern United States and of black communities.Slave owners fed their chattel as cheaply as possible, often with throwaway foods room the plantations, forcing the slaves to make do with the ingredients at hand. Most slaves’ vegetables were the tops of turnips, beets, and dandelions. Later the slaves were cooking new types of greens: Collards, Kale, Mustard, and Poked. The slaves also used lard, discarded cuts of meats like oxtails, ham hocks, chitterlings (pig small intestines), and skins to give the greens a better taste. There was little waste in the African American kitchen.If there were leftover fish they would make croquettes.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Stale bread became bread pudding and each part of the pig had its own special dish. They even used the juice from the greens to have with cornbread, which made gravy. In the nineteenth century, most African American began to use hamburger meat as an American cuisine to make hamburgers, meat loaf and hamburger sausage sandwiches. The first American hamburger was a delicacy from beef called hamburger beef sausage sandwiches. This sandwich received its name from an England men name Hannah Glasses.Hannah Glasses called it, “Hamburg Steak,” which became very famous. Today one can find hamburgers eve”/here in America from a variety of restaurants.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– The first hamburger in he American stores was White Castle hamburgers. They were small burgers made with small round hamburger buns. Later, other restaurants came along named Bun Boy out of California, McDonald’s, and Wend’s which also made hamburgers sandwiches more profitable in America’s society. In his 1 962 essay “Soul Food,” Mira Bark makes a clear distinction between southern cooking and soul food.To Bark, soul food includes chitterlings, pork chops, fried porgies, potboiler, turnips, watermelon, black-eyed peas, grits, hipbone’s, hosepipes, okra, and pancakes. Southern food, on the other and includes only fried chicken, sweet potato pie, collard greens, and barbecue, according to Bark. (Lisa A.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Sutherland; M Christina F. Graces). Soul food seems to differ greatly among African Americans. Large group of slaves standing in front of a building on Culvert’s Plantation.After long hours of labor, the evening meal was a time for families to get together, and the tradition of communal meals was the perfect environment for conversation and the reciting of oral history and storytelling. Another tradition was the potluck dinner, with each family member bringing a efferent dish to the dinner. When it was their families’ turn for a visit by the preacher, it was also common practice for African-American women to hold up Sunday lunches or dinners until he arrived.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– The minister frequently graced one’s family table then that conferred upon the family a degree of prestige in the eyes of the congregation. The African American established and organized churches and organization to aid in the fight against persecution. ” (Air Berlin; Herbert Brewer, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers) They believed that their days would not be long if they sang gospel hymns or old -time religion songs. Once the churches were completed, the slave masters paid them wages. Churches began to be organized and people from other slave plantations would join them to worship and see what they accomplished. Most of these churches were built from wood, brick, and other tools that were given to them from the slave plantations.This is how most of the types of religions were formed.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Churches that the slaves builder with their own tools and money. The denominations of the churches that were formed were Baptist, Protestants, Catholics, and Jewish. According to Daniel Cash, “the author, Associate Director of the Material History of American Religion project, makes the important point that a focus on ideas and organization may neglect key dimensions of American Religions identity. ” Sack’s asked a group of second graders to do a project on comparing religions.Each child was asked to say something, about his or her faith and bring a symbol for the class to review. Here is some of the saying the second graders shared: “My name is Marguerite. Go to SST.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Marry. Am Catholic, and this is a crucifix. ” “My name is Joshua. I go to Beth Shalom. I am Jewish, and this is a Star of David. ” “My name is Alicia. I go to Lord’s Missionary Baptist Church.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Am Baptist, and I have a pot of greens and cornbread. ” And the last student “My name is Fred. I go to Grace Church. I am Protestant, and this is a casserole. “Sack’s focus on the American mainline Protestant, a group he terms ‘”Whiteboard” because of the Eucharist bread they often prefer, and significantly, because of their dominant social and racial makeup. Whiteboard was a form of what churches calls today “communion. ” (William Ramp, 2002).Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Many of the churches celebrated communion, and after, have soul food or American Cuisine on the rounds like the slaves did during the eighteenth century. In America today, there are all kinds of churches but there are very few that will speak on slavery and how it affects the lifestyle of women and men.In America there are still some slaves that are being capture for other types of slavery. “Some slaves supplemented their diets by maintaining small plots made available to them to grow their own vegetables, and many engaged in subsistence fishing and hunting, which put meat on the table. ” (Solomon H Katz; Andrew F Smith) They also prepared American Cuisine with different types of fish. Most Black Churches today, have communion once a month and afterward they have dinners in the kitchen which resembles the African American style of eating and cooking.Communion is consisted of white leaven bread and wine (usually grape juice) in major churches.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Churches also sing slavery songs after they have communion to represent the past to present of living and how they have made it over to conquer new endeavors. Communion is called Holy Communion in most churches today and is also associated with baptismal in the Baptist churches. Baptismal is the rebirth of the soul. [Epic] A slave family out fishing and hunting in the SASS’S. After slavery in the United States came to an end, many poor African Americans could afford only the least expensive cuts of meat and offal.Subsistence farming yielded fresh vegetables and fishing and hunting provided fish and wild game, such as opossum, rabbit, squirrel, and sometimes waterfowl. When the slave families caught fish they would basically catch catfish and clean them at the lakes.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– The slave wifes would use the below recipe pee to cook the catfish. Catfish Catfish (2 pounds) h cup low-fat milk h cup yellow cornmeal 1/4 cup breadcrumbs teaspoon black pepper h teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/8 cup Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons olive oil Soak the catfish in the milk for 30 minutes.Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, combine cornmeal, breadcrumbs, black pepper and cayenne peppers, stirring well to completely combine. After catfish has soaked for 30 minutes, drain and coat with the mustard. Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Brush a baking pan covered in foil or an ovenproof skillet with 1 tablespoon oil. One at a time dredge each piece offish through the cornmeal-breadcrumb mixture, shake Off extra cornmeal, and place On the baking pan or in the skillet.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service.
– Bake fish until undersides are golden about 8 minutes.Even though food affected African Americans lifestyle during slavery, with religion, soul food like greens and hamburger meat was prepared and grown to help families survive. If it was not for the legacy of the slaves growing these foods and killing prey to feed their families, the Africans would have a slim chance of surviving. There would not be any old gospel hymns, which are called the old one-hundredths in the twenty first century. Songs like, “Long as I got King Jesus”, “Jesus is on the main line”, “Amazing Grace”, and “Yield not to Temptation”, are what kept he slaves together, and made life easy for them.We will continue to visit grandmother house for Sunday dinner’s which will consist of soul food like ham, pig feet, meatloaf, corn, peas, mash potatoes, macaroni and cheese, greens and cornbread. There will be cakes and pies for dessert and somebody will always end up singing gospel songs.Need Assignment Help Online, Homework Solutions & Case Study Answers? Order Custom Research Essay Writing Service. – Get top-rated homework assistance online by professional writers. Free of AI and Plagiarism.

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