Subject Code and Title MGT302A/BIZ303: Strategic Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment
Assessment Assessment 2 – Case Study Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2000 words, +/- 10%
Learning Outcomes a) Write a page paper – Describe and evaluate the objectives, aims and the primary aspects of a strategic plan whilst taking into account the vision and mission of the organisation.
b) Discuss and evaluate the processes and forces that influence the strategic decision-making process in relation to business strategy.
c) Explain the significance of strategy as a means of identifying and realising opportunities for growth.
d) Analyse the managerial, planning and procedural tasks associated with implementing and executing organisational strategies and identify the key risks associated with this process.
e) Prepare and justify a strategic plan.
f) Demonstrate an ability to think strategically about an organisation, its position in the marketplace and how it can gain a sustainable competitive advantage.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of module 5 (week
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
You are a strategic analyst for a management consulting firm that specialises in the analysis of Australian organisations. Your task is to write a report based on a case study of an Australian corporation. You are to use the framework models of strategic management, in order to evaluate the environment the organisation operates within and its mission goals and strategic choices. Additionally, you will provide some recommendations that both support and critique the strategic direction the organisation has chosen to pursue.
This assessment requires that you write a report on one of the following organisations:
Over the past few years, Telstra, Australia’s largest provider of telecommunications services, has faced increasing competition from domestic and overseas providers. Rapid changes in technology, consumer behaviour, and the introduction of the NBN (National Broadband Network) have become a catalyst for the organisation to change its approach to both customer service and product innovation. Pressure to deliver returns to shareholders are ever-increasing; formulating and delivering a successful strategy is critical. More information on Telstra may be found at:
? Annual report:
? General company information:
? Strategy:
The Australian banking environment is dominated by a small number of large banks. In the last few years, the banking industry has come under increasing pressure from the government and public, due to the high levels of profit that they report. This has culminated in a government investigation into the industry which is currently underway. Westpac has an innovative strategy which embraces digital technology and a dedicated focus on customer service. Westpac has also led the industry in community banking and sustainability initiatives. More information on Westpac may be found at:
? Annual report:
? General company information:
? Strategy:
Woolworths Group
Woolworths Group is a large integrated provider of retail and leisure. Best known for their supermarket operations, they have faced strong competition over the last few years from the Australian incumbent, Coles, as well as new overseas entrants such as Aldi and Costco. Woolworths has recently had a change in chief executive officer (CEO), following a profit downgrade and a failed attempt at entering the DIY retail business with their Masters Home Improvement stores. They are facing increased pressure on profit margins and their strategic direction. More information on Woolworths may be found at:
? Annual report:
? General company information:
? Strategy:
To prepare for this assessment, the following steps are advised:
? Step 1 – Read the subject materials for modules 1 to 4 (weeks 1 to 8).
? Step 2 – Decide which of the three organisations you will choose as the case study for your report by reading the relevant parts of their websites, annual reports and other media sources.
? Step 3 – Undertake additional research on the organisation you choose as well as sourcerelevant journal articles that will help you in writing your report.
A suggested structure for your report is as follows:
Executive Summary (150 words)
Table of contents (not included in word count)
1. Introduction (100 words) 2. Evaluating the organisation’s environment (550 words)
a. External – use Porter and the most relevant 2 elements of PESTEL, (not required to use each one).
b. Internal – use core competencies and value chain analysis.
3. Analysis of competitive advantage (200 words)
a. Discuss competitive rivalry
4. Strategy formulation and choice (550 words)
a. Vision
b. Goals
c. Initiatives – cost leadership vs differentiation
5. Recommendations and conclusions (450 words – write this section in ‘first’ person)
a. With rationale for support of strategy
b. With rationale for critique of strategy
Reference List (not included in word count)
Appendices (not included in word count)
Please note the following additional information:
? You should adhere to the correct use of academic writing, presentation and grammar. You should write the report in the third person apart from the recommendations section which you should write in the first person.
? You are advised to include a minimum of 7 academic references which should be textbooks or journals. Appropriate websites may be used in addition to these.
? It is important to check your similarity in Turnitin. All highlighted sentences must be either paraphrased in your own words or put in quotes and referenced accordingly. You should be aiming for as low a similarity score as you can. Similarities highlighted in a contents page, reference list or appendices is nothing to be concerned about.
? It is important to adopt the appropriate use of the APA 6th edition style when citing and referencing research. Please comply with all academic standards of legibility, referencing and bibliographical details (including reference list).
Submission Instructions:
Submit your report via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MGT302A/BIZ303 Strategic Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Learning Rubric: Assessment 2 – Case Study Report
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Executive summary, contents and
10% Provides poor context and do not link to the assessment in a clear and coherent way. May be missing entirely. Provides satisfactory context but link to the assessment in only a partially clear and coherent way. Provides reasonable context and link to the assessment in a fairly clear and coherent way. Provides good context and link to the assessment in a clear and coherent way. Provides excellent context and link to the assessment in an extremely clear and coherent way.
Evaluating the organisations
Report shows limited understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Limited application and analysis of internal and external factors to chosen organisation, with minimal evidence used. Report shows basic knowledge and understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Some application and analysis of internal and external factors to chosen organisation, with satisfactory evidence used. Report shows thorough knowledge or understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Thorough application and analysis of internal and external factors to chosen organisation, with clear evidence used. Report shows highly developed understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Highly developed application and analysis of internal and external factors to chosen organisation, with wellsubstantiated evidence used. Report shows a sophisticated understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Excellent application and analysis of internal and external factors to chosen organisation, with a broad and significant evidence used.
Analysis of competitive
Report shows limited understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Limited analysis of competitive advantage to chosen organisation, with minimal evidence used.
Report shows basic knowledge and understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Basic analysis of competitive advantage to chosen organisation, with satisfactory evidence used. Report shows thorough knowledge or understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Thorough analysis of competitive advantage to chosen organisation, with clear evidence used.
Report shows highly developed understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Highly developed analysis of competitive advantage to chosen organisation, with well-substantiated evidence used. Report shows a sophisticated understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Excellent analysis of competitive advantage to chosen organisation, with broad and significant evidence used.
MGT302A/BIZ303_Assessment2_CaseStudyReport Page 5 of 6
Strategy formulation and choice
25% Report shows a limited understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Strategy formulation and choice uses minimal evidence and displays insufficient link to organisational context. Report shows basic understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Strategy formulation and choice uses satisfactory evidence and displays a sufficient link to organisational context. Report shows thorough understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Strategy formulation and choice uses thorough evidence and displays a clear link to organisational context. Report shows highly developed understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Strategy formulation and choice uses highly developed evidence and displays a substantiated link to organisational context. Report shows a sophisticated understanding of the required concepts and knowledge.
Strategy formulation and choice uses broad and excellent evidence and displays an extremely well
researched and substantiated link to organisational context.
Recommendations and
20% The analysis undertaken provides limited,
unhelpful or unreliable recommendations and/or conclusions that lack sufficient rationale in relation to future organisational strategy.
The analysis undertaken provides satisfactory
recommendations and/or
conclusions, with sufficient, if straightforward, rationale in relation to future organisational strategy. The analysis undertaken provides good recommendations and/or conclusions, with good quality rationale in relation to future organisational strategy. The analysis undertaken provides strong recommendations and/or conclusions, with insightful and original rationale in relation to future organisational strategy. The analysis undertaken provides outstanding recommendations and/or conclusions, with sophisticated and creative rationale in relation to future organisational strategy.
Structure, writing and referencing
10% Poorly structured and referenced document that is difficult to understand and follow and not wellpresented.
Satisfactorily structured and referenced document that is clear to understand and follow and well-presented. Well-structured and referenced document that is easy and logical to understand and follow and very well presented. Very well-structured and referenced document that demonstrates advanced understanding, is easy and logical to follow and advanced in its presentation. Expertly structured and referenced document that demonstrates advanced and critical reasoning and understanding, is extremely
logical to follow and exemplary in its presentation.
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