Write a Post of 350–400-word reply to each Discussion
Discussion #1
Attaining and maintaining diversity in the workforce is a major consideration for those who are responsible for managing human capital in healthcare. Diversity in the healthcare workforce provides an extraordinary value that must be protected and appreciated by employers. In order to support and protect the rights of healthcare employees, there have been many policies put into place to protect individuals from discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination can be in the form of bias or prejudice based on age, disability, religion, gender, and race. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) is an excellent example of how these policies and pieces of legislation can protect people from discrimination. However, these policies and legislative efforts require the coordination and supportive efforts of the healthcare organization in order to fully support the efforts to increase diversity and reduce discrimination in the workplace.
Ageism is a serious concern which is defined as discrimination based on a numeric age (Kydd & Fleming, 2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). While many believe that this defines biases based on someone being too old, it can also include biases against those who are considered “too young”. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), was enacted in 1967 to prohibit discriminating against an employee or potential employee based solely on the person’s age (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011). The Act focused on ensuring that decision regarding employment selection, job retention, compensation, and other job related terms and conditions could not be impacted by the individual’s age (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011). It was initially focused on those workers between the ages of 40-65 but was amended in 1978 to include individuals up to age 70 and amended again in 1987 to have no limit (Pynes & Lombardi, 2011). Further amendments have included that any discrimination based on any age is prohibited opening up the ability for protection from discrimination based on an individual appearing to be too young as well as those who could be considered too old. The impact of the ADEA allows for those who are the most qualified to fit the position to be able to be hired into the position regardless of age. If the person is older, they oftentimes bring with them valuable knowledge and experience that can and should be seen as an asset to the hiring organization. Alternatively, a younger applicant can bring about innovative ideas and concepts that those who have been in the business for an extended period of time may not have considered. The value of these different perspectives can be immeasurable. Having legislation such as the ADEA has mandated that employers look beyond age and consider the value that each person brings or could bring to the organization.
To support the ADEA initiatives, health care organizations need to implement programs and policies which support ongoing enforcement of these regulations. One such policy is the implementation of ongoing training programs in diversity to remind employees of what discrimination includes and to hold the organization accountable to the legislative regulations (Dennis & Thomas, 2007). Training that focuses on intergenerational training, communication, and team building is also a valuable policy that organizations can put into place (Dennis & Thomas, 2007). By educating others on the value that people from all age groups and all walks of life can bring to an organization, an employer can help others to accept and understand the significance and impact that each member of the team can have on their organization.
1 Timothy 4:12 (ESV) states, “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity”. This scripture guides those responsible for managing human resources in healthcare with understanding the importance of valuing people for what they can do, how they behave, their knowledge and their individual significance without considering their age. This can assist them with establishing and enforcing policies, rules, and regulations that will support these principles.
Dennis, H., & Thomas, K. (2007). Ageism in the workplace. Generations, 31(1), 84-89. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.liberty.edu/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/docview/212207685?accountid=12085
Kydd, A., & Fleming, A. (2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service). Ageism and age discrimination in healthcare: Fact or fiction? A narrative review of the literature. Maturitas, 81(4), 423-438. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2015 – Research Paper Writing Help Service.05.002
Pynes, J. E., & Lombardi, D. N. (2011). Human resources management for health care organizations: A strategic approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Discussion #2
Americans with Disability Act (ADA)
Diversity of people come in many forms. These different forms describe specific variations of diversity. The many different variations of people have led the government to propose specific reforms in the workforce. These reforms have been implemented by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Some types of diversity reforms adhere to and can include, but are not limited to: race; gender; ethnic groups; age; personality; cognitive style; and education. One important law regarding this matter is the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA), which includes the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers. The Americans Disability Act is a law passed by congress that was set in place in July of 1992. The importance of this law is to protect individuals seeking employment that may have a disability. It provides safety by qualifying individuals against discrimination on the “basis of disability in all aspects of the employment relationship, from the application stage through retirement,” (Pynes and Lombardi, 2011, p.90). The ADA was only standard for organizations with over twenty-five or more employees. Two years later, in 1994, the law added protection to individuals with disabilities for employment with organizations that have fifteen to twenty-four employees staffed. Before the implementation of the Americans Disability Act, many people that suffered a disability could not find work, but they may have desired to enter the workforce. The foundation of the ADA has provided individuals with accommodations to aid in leading more “independent, self-sufficient lives,” through employment opportunities (Mondak, 2000, p.43). In 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers, President George W. Bush signed the ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA). The ADA Amendments Act was the first substantial revision and redefined the term “disability,” while improving standards and clearer guidelines for employers to follow.
Pynes and Lombardi (2011) describe what the ADA recognizes as categories of disabilities:
“Having a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities,” (p.91).
“Having a record of such an impairment,” (p.92).
“Being regarded as having an impairment,” (p.92).
In order for an individual to qualify under the ADA, they must be able to perform job duties that are written in the job description with or without employer aid. Accommodations of certain circumstances must be provided by employers for an individual to carry out the job, unless it proposes a huge impact that is not suitable for the operation of the organization. This can be considered “undue hardship” on an organization. Employers should consider making “accommodations within a timely manner, and the process should always start by assessing the needs and preferences of the individual,” (Mondak, 2000, p.45).
Companies and organizations should protect themselves and all employees from discrimination. It is always safe for employers to assume an individual is protected by the ADA if there is evidence that shows limitations to the individual’s ability to perform a job. Also, employers should keep management policy books up to date. Adequate training should be in put in place by human resources so that supervisors are trained properly to support each accommodation that may be necessary in the organization. Investigating and engaging in each “disability” situation will help minimize errors. Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under homework for you course hero writing service – Manage ment should maintain positive recordkeeping to provide proof of consistency with each employee. Recordkeeping and documentation will also be important in the applicant process if for any reason an employer chooses not proceed with an applicant, (ADAAA, 2011).
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another,” (John 13:34, NIV). The Bible tells us to love one another as we love ourselves. Loving one another can be accomplished by verbally expressing thoughts or concerns, or by physically showing emotions or helping accomplish tasks that will help a person better themselves. The ADA demonstrates these characteristics. Unless a person is not equipped to follow the description of the position in an organization, it is important for management to help guide and provide equality to employees who may be limited over others.
ADAAA. (2011, June 1). Prospera® Human Resources Quick Studies. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.liberty.edu/ login?url=http://go.galegroup. com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/ps/i. do?p=ITOF&sw=w&u=vic_liberty& v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE% 7CA264583393&sid=summon&asid= 87413f6411fa063ac7d295c8b0cc68 2c
Mondak, P. (2000). The americans with disabilities act and information technology access.Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 15(1), 43-51. doi:10.1177/108835760001500106
NIV Bible
Pynes, J. E., & Lombardi, D. N. (2011). Human resources management for health care organizations: A strategic approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 9780470873557.
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