Discussion 2: Social ResponsibilityApr 8, 2013 at 12am99 unread replies.5151 replies.Look around–do you see any local businesses practicing social responsibility? Publicizing a business’s good deeds is a great marketing tool, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find an example. It can be extra effort in recycling, pairing with a local nonprofit agency, paying for employees to volunteer their time in the community, building parks, selling fair-traded merchandise….a bunch of things. Go ahead and ask next time you’re in your favorite place of business. Be a little tactful here, because it can sound like a criticism–you might explain this is a school assignment.I also want you to think of a good a new way a business could practice social responsibility in a way that is a good fit with what they do and what they stand for. For example, Harley Davidson could offer courses on defensive driving to high school students.So the Discussion Board has two parts:Identify a business in your community that is practicing some form of social responsibility, andThink of a new way a business could contribute in a way that fits what they already do.Discussion 3: What’s Your Business Idea?Apr 15, 2013 at 12am2525 unread replies.8787 replies.OK, you’ve read the material and interviewed an small business owner (or you will shortly).The Discussion Board topic for the week is: share an idea for a new businesswith your classmates and why you think it would work. Does it solve a problem? Address a need? Is it aimed at an easily identifiable market?If you’re really thinking of starting this business and you’re concerned about your idea being stolen, think of another business idea that meets a need and talk about that one.Discussion 4: Your Best BossTalk about your best boss. What made this person so good? Have you adopted any of these techniques in your work? Did you give this boss your best? Why or why not?Discussion 5: The WorkplaceOK, we talked about good bosses last week. Let’s talk about other factors that create a good workplace. I’m especially curious if it’s ever enough just to make lots of money–I’m assuming a couple of you have had a chance to make what you considered lots of money. If you haven’t, is your course of study right now aimed mostly at pulling down the big bucks? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing! We all have rent to pay, and everyone makes a different decision about how much money is enough.Life is comparison–a very unpleasant workplace in the past may have made you appreciate current conditions in a new way. I generally don’t post topics that encourage negative comments (it’s too tempting–think about where we could have gone with the topic of “your worst boss” last week!), but if you want to talk about a current good situation in light of a past bad one, go ahead.So, besides a good boss, what other factors have contribute to your job satisfaction? Good pay? Flexible working hours? An on-site gym or daycare? Stock options? Knowing your company is does good work? Just having a job? C’mon, there’s got to be something you like about it!Discussion 6: Best Ad — Worst Ad1) Write a page paper – Describe your favorite advertisement, and why. Do you think it is effective in getting people to buy this product?2) Write a page paper – Describe an advertisement that you think is bad for whatever reason, and why you think so. Is it offensive? Ineffective? Unethical? Who do you think this ad is aimed at? Why would a company use “bad” advertising? Do people buy the product anyway? Why?Discussion 7: Poor SystemsThink about a job you’ve worked in or a business you’ve patronized that had poor operations, organization, or teamwork in some way.It can be a disorganized restaurant kitchen, a bad filing system, an inefficient repair department, a store that’s always out of stock of an item you want, etc. Talk about the following:1. Write a page paper – Describe the situation and its affect on you–if you were a customer, did you vow never to return? If you were an employee, did it affect your morale?2. How would you fix the situation if it were up to you? 3. Why do you think management allows this situation to continue?Discussion 8: GlobalizationFollowing you’ll find two definitions of globalization:globalization:1) refers to the increasing economic integration and interdependence of countries. Economic globalization in this century has proceeded along two main lines: trade liberalization (the increased circulation of goods) and financial liberalization (the expanded circulation of capital).2) The process of worldwide integration of economic or political systems. Economically, globalization is driven by free trade and foreign investment. The concept of globalization can also be applied to cultural products (such as movies or music) or values (such as beliefs about human rights).Our discussion topic for the week is: Overall, do you think globalization is positive or negative? Does it increase standards of living around the world, or suffocate other cultures under an onslaught of Big Macs and Coca Cola?Read up a little about Globalization by Googling that term. Then support your opinion with specific examples.Discussion 9: Executive ResponsibilityThe recession still seems to be hanging around.The culprits seem to be deregulation, irresponsibility and greed, from the homeowners who used refinancing to live beyond their means to corporate executives who oversaw the financing of risky mortgages in pursuit of returns.Homeowners who overextended themselves may face financial ruin. On the other hand, the corporate executives who led their firms to financial disaster lose their jobs, but they walk away with severance packages of $10 million, $20 million and up. Kerry Killinger, in charge of our own Washington Mutual, walked away with $23 million while hundreds (if not thousands) of employees faced unemployment with the sale of WaMu to JPMorgan. More recently in the news was the demise of the Hostess bakeries – no more Twinkies! :>o But Hostess executives made millions while workers were asked to take pay cuts.Following are a couple of articles on CEO compensation:.smartplanet.com/blog/bulletin/costcos-ceo-becomes-a-progressive-hero-internet-meme/6894″>James Sinegal, progressive CEO of Costco.fortune.cnn.com/2011/04/13/how-can-we-address-excessive-ceo-pay/”>Excessive CEO PayOur discussion topic for this week is: What’s you view on the multi-million dollar severance packages extended to top-level CEO’s who lead their firms to disaster? Should executives walk away empty-handed if their firms fail? Should they be penalized? Or is a hefty severance package a requirement for attracting top-level talent?Discussion 10: The One Big ThingWhat’s the most interesting idea we’ve covered this quarter or the one big thing you’ll take away from this class? Have any of your ideas about business, career or politics changed based on what you’ve learned?AssignmentTHE STOCK MARKET GAMEPart One – Choose Your PortfolioFor this assignment you will choose three publicly-traded stocks that you will follow all quarter. For this week you will turn in the name of your stocks with an explanation as to why you choose them.Don’t know anything about the stock market? Don’t panic. We’re keeping it very simple.Some of the links below will give you an introduction to stock market investing.Here’s what you do:I. Choose a method for picking stocks.First get an overview of the stock market at about.com: There are many(probably hundreds) of strategies for choosing stocks. A very simple one thathas been wildly successful in the hands of legendary mutual fund manager PeterLynch is called “Buy What You Know”. Read about it at Introduction to the StockMarket. and “KISS”–Keep It Simple, Stupid! .Using this method, choose FIVE of your favorite products or services and find outwho makes/offers them, and who the parent company is, if there is one (thisinformation should be available on the company web site, or google parentcompany: company name). The Ten Parent Companies That Make YourFavorite Brand may surprise you. You are looking for companies that are publiclytraded in the United States.You may also choose companies using your own system.II. Research these companies.• You are looking for information on these companies, their industries, and theeconomy in general.• The internet is a wealth of information-Google is your best friend here. Twoplaces to start are:• MSN Money at http://money.msn.com (use the search box)• Yahoo Finance’s Stock Research Center at http://finance.yahoo.com/marketupdate• The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal both have web sites.• Take notes as you research for the written portion of this assignment (see step VI.below). You are trying to get a general idea about the company and its futureperformance. What products do they sell? How long have they been inbusiness? Are they an industry leader? Are they introducing new products?Based on your experience with them, do they offer customers value (either inthe form of a high-quality product or an appealing price, or both?) Who aretheir competitors?III. From the five stocks you’ve researched, choose your THREE favoritecompanies—the ones you think that will perform the best over the course of thequarter.IV.Look up the stock symbols and the current stock price on one of the financialsites (msn’s is at http://investing.money.msn.com/investments/find-symbol).For example, the symbol for Microsoft is MSFT. Once you’ve found the symbol,click on it to find the current stock price.V. Buy your stock.Assume you are spending $10,000 on each stock, for a total portfolio value of$30,000. You will complete a table listing the date, the company you’ve chosen,the symbol, the price per share, the number of shares that you’ve “purchased”with your $10,000. For this assignment we’re not worrying about salescommissions and other transaction costs.Here’s an example:Date Company Symbol Price No. ofSharesValue4/3 Microsoft MSFT 25.84 386.97 10,0004/3 Google GOOG 390.0 25.6 10,0004/3 Chico’s CHS 40.64 246 10,000VI.Explain your reasons for choosing this stock. In two or three well-writtenparagraphs, cover the following points for each stock you’ve chosen:• Brief company profile for each stock you own during the game. Include a –summary of the company’s products, where it operates, strengths and -weaknesses – especially in comparison to competitors.• What first led you to this stock (you like one of their products, etc.)?• How will current economic conditions and trends affect this industry? (E.g., agingbaby boomers will boost pharmaceutical sales). Here’s a list that may help fromhowthemarketworks.com.• Are there any events within the company that may affect performance positively ornegatively (new product introduction, a lawsuit pending that’s been in the news,etc.)?Note: Your analysis should be written in narrative (or paragraph) style,summarizing your research. Do not merely copy and paste quotes offthe internet.Also explain why you rejected the other two stocks answering the same questions.NOTE: For your last assignment of the quarter you will look up the stock price againand compute your ending portfolio value. You will briefly discuss your stock’sperformance and what you think influenced it, including current events that affected theeconomy and stock market in general, and your company in particular. You will turnthis in, along with an updated table that shows the return on your portfolio.Applying Business Concepts to Current EventsWe’ve covered a number of basic business concepts in this week’s readings, and now you will find some examples of these concepts at work in the world today. You will find two articles from current news sources and discuss the relevant concepts in these articles.Step One – Find Two ArticlesFind at least two articles in newspapers, magazines or online about CURRENT NEWS EVENTS (e.g., within the last year) that illustrate two business concepts we’ve learned about this week. Examples include, but are not limited to:Free market versus planned economies (As an example: articles about China, North Korea, or Cuba that talk about opening of previously controlled markets). DON”T USE VIETNAM, as that was covered last week.The importance of small businesses to a thriving economy. (An article about an increase in small business bankruptcies would be a negative sign for the economy, while an article about an increase in new business start-ups would be a positive sign.)Supply and demand (Why is the price of gasoline so high right now? Is it low supply, or high demand, or both?)The Business Cycle (Is the Federal Reserve Board raising rates? Lowering rates? Why? Can you find an article that helps us determine where we are in the cycle?) As an example of an article that gives us clues to the above, look at:.bizjournals.com/extraedge/washingtonbureau/archive/2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers/06/19/bureau3.html?market=seattle”>https://essays.homeworkacetutors.com/write-my-essay/bizjournals.com/extraedge/washingtonbureau/archive/2006 – Write a paper; Professional research paper writing service – Best essay writers/06/19/bureau3.html?market=seattleDon’t use reference sites like Wikipedia or government sites. Find articles about news events. They can be announcements from the government (unemployment rate for the quarter, etc.)–I want you to look for current news items.Look at newspapers (NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post), magazines (Time, Newsweek, Business Week), or the online sites for these publications or any other online news site (CNN, MSN, PI.com). Look for reliable sources that check their facts.You should be looking for articles that illustrate two different concepts. One article per concept, so your assignment will have two parts–article #1 and article #2.Step Two – Write Summary/analysis of Both Articles. Summarize each article. Include:Citation/source. If it is online, include a link. If it is in print, cite the publication and date.What is the relevant history/background of this situation? An article about high lumber prices might include some important explanations – perhaps a shortage due to reduced logging because of bad weather, or maybe there’s a high demand from home builders in California.What business concept is being illustrated by the article? An article about high lumber prices might illustrate supply and demand, etc. Write a paragraph about how the concept applies, what affect it will have (on the economy, on you, on your city, whatever). Feel free to express opinions, speculation, whatever. This is where you will show me you’ve been thinking and analyzing, not just summarizing what you’ve read.Assignment: Interview a local small business owner. Write up your interview, and include your assessment of theStrengths and Weaknesses of, Opportunities in, and Threats to this business. This type of analysis is also known as a SWOT analysis(read it.seattlecentral.edu/courses/944992/wiki/swot-analysis”>here).Nothing will give you a better idea of what small business is like than talking to an owner of one. This assignment is designed to force you out of the classroom and into the trenches for information. I want you to gain an understanding of why people start businesses, the opportunities and challenges, and how it is different than working for someone else.SuggestionsI. Identify a business to study.Look around you: Do you have a friend or family member who runs a small business? Where do you shop? What type of business would you like to own someday? Having some connection in this way will help make the initial contact. Failing that, you might contact a local association of business owners (Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, etc.) and see if one of their members would be willing to speak with you. Most business owners enjoy telling their story.II. Contact the business, explain your project, and see if the owner will spend an hour or so with you talking about the business.Don’t be afraid to cold call. Almost everyone is willing to help students with a class project. Be polite and respectful of the owner’s time. Most small business owners are extremely busy–you will need to meet at the owner’s convenience.III. Prepare for the interview.A. Read through the attached material on SWOT analysis. This is way more information than you will need to gather during your interview, but I include it here to try and give you a solid understanding of what a SWOT analysis is and what factors are used when analyzing a business.B. Do as much homework as you can BEFORE the interview about the local/regional economy that would affect this business, the industry, etc. Have any articles been written about this company? Check the local papers—they all have online archives. Besides the Times and the P-I, try the Puget Sound Business Journal. Trade journals can provide information on the industry in general. What in the local or national business climate affects this business (e.g., if you’re talking to a machine shop that has Boeing as a client, Boeing’s fortunes affect this business). This will allow you to talk intelligently with the owner.C. Some suggested questions:· When did you start your business and why?· Did you have any experience in the field?· How has the business changed since you started it?· What have been your biggest challenges?· How do changes in the economy (e.g., recession, expansion) affect business?· What do you enjoy most about your business?· What advice would you give to someone who wants to start a business?IV. Have the interview with the owner.· Again, most owners are very busy—be punctual and respectful of their time. They may only be able to spare you an hour or so.· Know that you are a representative of this school and are making an impression for better or for worse–this person may be a valuable contact later. This includes conduct and appearance.· You may find it useful to tape the interview—with the owner’s permission, of course.· On the following pages you will find descriptions of a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. This information will form the core of your analysis of the business.· AVOID QUESTIONS ABOUT FINANCE. Don’t ask the owner what sales are, what their personal income from the business is, or how they obtained their original financing to start the business. These may seem academic to you, but this information is very personal to an owner and is usually held in strict confidence. Nothing will offend the owner (or anyone!) faster than prying into the finances of the business. If the information is volunteered, fine.· A brief thank-you note to the owner following the interview is entirely appropriate. It will set you apart and leave the door open should you need to contact the owner again for any clarification or follow-up questions.V. Write up your findings. Two pages should be sufficient, but longer is OK.· Your write-up should be in narrative form (i.e., not a checklist or question-and-answer format) of about 2 pages. Include an introductory paragraph, the body of the information, and a concluding sentence or paragraph.· Pay attention to style, spelling and grammar.VI. Thank the owner for their time. A hand-written thank you note makes a great impression and is skill every career-seeker should acquire.Your paper should contain:A brief history of the business (1 page or less).Your SWOT assessment of the business (approx. 1 to 1 ½ pages). Help me grade your paper fairly–don’t make me hunt for the SWOT—it makes me cranky. Label each paragraph with a subheading: “Strengths”, “Weaknesses”, etc.How this interview affected your ideas about starting your own business (one paragraph).ASSIGNMENTInterview a Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage rAssignment: Interview a manager. Write up your interview, and include ananalysis of how this manager implements functions of planning, organizing,leading and controlling.Good managers are made, not born. Ask any manager, and you’ll no doubt hear of ajourney they had to take to learn effective skills.II. Once again, I’m driving you away from your computer and out into thetrenches for information. I want you to hear ?rst-hand of the challenges ofmanaging others, and how it compares to your interview with the businessowner you had in a previous week’s assignment.I. Choose a manager to manager.This can be your manager at your job, a friend or family member in a managementposition, or the manager of a business you frequent. The rule is: the person youinterview must supervise at least one other person–the more, the merrier.II. Contact the manager,Explain your project, and ask if s/he will spend an hour or so with you talking about thetheir job. Don’t be afraid to cold call. Almost everyone is willing to help students with aclass project. Be polite and respectful of the manager’s time. Most managers areextremely busy–you will need to meet at the their convenience.III. Prepare for the interview.• Read through chapter 6 in your text, “Managing for Business Success.”• Do as much homework as you can BEFORE the interview about the company.• See Questions for Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage rs:IV. Have the interview with the manager.• Again, most managers are very busy—be punctual and respectful of their time. Theymay only be able to spare you an hour or so.• Know that you are a representative of this school and are making an impression forbetter or for worse–this person may be a valuable contact later. This includes conductand appearance.• You may ?nd it useful to tape the interview—with the manager’s permission, of course.• On the following pages you will ?nd suggested questions to ask. You’re looking forways this manager performs the four functions of management (planning, organizing,leading, controlling), and their observations about the role of a manager.• This information will form the core of your write-up.1 BUS 101 – Introduction to Business• AVOID QUESTIONS ABOUT FINANCE. Don’t ask the manager what sales are, whattheir salary is, what employee salaries are, etc.. These may seem academic to you,but this information is very personal.• TELL THE MANAGER KNOW AT THE START THAT YOU IN NO WAY WANT TOPRY INTO CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS MATTERS, and to let you know if a questionis inappropriate in any way.• ALL information about employees is protected by law, so any speci?cs about anemployee must be avoided.• A brief, handwritten thank-you note to the manager following the interview is entirelyappropriate. It will set you apart and leave the door open should you need to contactthe manager again for any clari?cation or follow-up questions. If you can’t managepen and paper, a thank-you e-mail is the minimum. This is a skill that will serve youwell in your career.V. Write up your ?ndings.• Two pages should be suf?cient, but longer is OK.• Your write-up should be in narrative form (i.e., not a checklist or question-and-answerformat) of about 2 pages.• Include an introductory paragraph, the body of the information, and a concludingsentence or paragraph. Include a brief paragraph comparing this interview to theinterview you had with a business owner in• Pay attention to proper word usage, spelling and grammar.Suggested Questions for Interviewing a Get research paper samples and course-specific study resources under   homework for you course hero writing service – Manage r? Background• What products and services does your company offer?• What is your position in the company?• How many subordinates do you supervise?• How many years of management experience do you have and how has theexperience affected your approach to management?• What formal business education or training programs have you received? Has thiseducation and training helped you to manage more effectively?? General• What are some of the typical issues or problems that you must deal with? How doyou try to develop solutions to these problems?• What’s your favorite part of the job? Least favorite?? Planning• What planning processes are used at your organization and what is your role in theorganization’s planning?2 BUS 101 – Introduction to Business• What do you see as strengths and weaknesses of this planning process?? Organizing:• What is your role in determining the company organization?• Do you allocate/assign of people, time and equipment? At what level?? Leading• What have you found are good approaches for motivating employees? What haveyou found are bad approaches for motivating?• What do you think are effective and ineffective approaches to leadership?• What do you believe are keys to effective communications? What obstacles existto effective communications and how do you try to overcome these obstacles?? Controlling• How do you evaluate employee performance?• Is there any type of formal assessment process, and, if so, how is the assessmentprocess used?? Conclusion• What advice would you give to a college graduate about how to perform well as amanager?• Thank the manager PROFUSELY for their time.1. Consider a job you hold now or have held in the past, and answer questions a & b below. If you have never held a job, interview a friend or family member about their work experience and answer the questions from their standpoint.a. Did your employer practice any kind of employee empowerment? By empowerment, I mean giving employees power to make decisions, solve problems, make suggestions that are implemented, etc. If so, what were they? If not, why not? It’s OK to speculate a little here.b. What were the results of empowerment or non-empowerment? I.e., did empowerment result in improved performance and higher motivation, or abuses resulting from lack of supervision? Did lack of empowerment result in lower morale, or higher quality due to closer supervision?2. Write a page paper – Describe the following at your workplace:a. channels of communication andb. conflict resolutionFor both a. and b. above, consider (but don’t limit yourself to) the following:Informal channels as well as formal ones.Do a little investigative work and chat with as many managers as you can at your workplace to discover how the communication and conflict resolution channels change as you move up the management ladder.Do you think the methods your employer uses are effective? How do these methods affect your morale? Would you recommend any changes?3. Quality is vital in all areas of business. One measure of a product’s quality is the feedback a company receives from its customers.Directions: Complete the following items to learn how companies solicit customer feedback about their products. ??Select three food, personal care or other products you’ve recently purchased and complete the following chart.If no feedback options are provided on the packaging, list “none” in the right column.”Feedback options” means customer service telephone number or e-mail address, snail mail address, online survey, etc.Item NumberProduct NameCustomer Feedback Options1.2.3.OverviewWhen you say marketing, many people think advertising. But, as I hope you’re learning, marketing encompasses much more.Every point of customer contact comprises the marketing of a business. Taken together, these contacts make up the customer experience and are opportunities to either cement their loyalty, or drive them into the arms of competitors.The smart business realizes this and plans for it. Some businesses claim one thing but deliver another. Other businesses are more seat-of-the-pants: they don’t have a plan for managing these experiences.The purpose of this assignment is to get you to think about the aspects of marketing other than advertising and to look for real-world applications.The AssignmentChoose a local business (or local branch of a national/international business) and learn as much as you can about their marketing efforts aside from advertising.What to DoWalk into the business as a customer and observe the complete customer experience, using the chart below to guide you. What message do you receive as a customer? Ask yourself what you would do differently—what recommendations would you make to management? You can use the 4 P’s as a framework for your analysis:ProductIs the product or service they are offering consistent with their claims? What is the return policy in the event you are not satisfied? Is it clearly stated, or do you have to ask? Are there free samples or trial sizes of new products/services? Comment on their packaging and labeling.PriceAre the prices easy to find, so that customers do not have to ask? This is uncomfortable for some—they’d rather walk out than ask. Are items bundled at a special price that offers the customer a better deal? Are the items priced separately so that the customer only pay for exactly what is needed? What pricing strategy do you think this company uses?PlaceIs the staff helpful, courteous, knowledgeable, and ready to learn about your needs and educate you about their product or service? Does it seem that everyone working there has been given the same training concerning customers? Or not?Does the physical location offer an experience that is consistent with the message the business is trying to deliver? What does it look like, sound like, smell like?The concrete floors, industrial shelving and high ceilings at Costco are no accident—they are telling their customers that theirs is a no-frills, low-overhead business with the lowest prices to be found.You might want to try calling the business to see if their call answering messages are helpful or annoying.Even how inventory levels are managed is part of marketing—is stock always on hand, or do customers show up, only to be disappointed because that item is out of stock? How will that experience affect the customer’s feeling about the business and product or service? Are rain checks offered? (A rain check is a gift certificate or other special given to a customer when a product is not available—e.g. 10% off next purchase).Promotion Mix(refer to chart below)Has this business received media attention recently? Search newspaper/internet sources to see if they’ve been in the news. Is it a positive piece that will alert potential customers to their existence, or a media disaster? Are there in-store promotions, specials, contests, etc? Does the sales person “up sell” you (suggest additional items you might like/need?) Is s/he knowledgeable about the product/service so that you can confidently make a decision to buy?Are there in-store specials, promotions, contests, etc? Can you sign up to receive a newsletter or email promotions?Is the web site easy to find and navigate? Does the business come up on the first page of a Google (or other search engine) search?SummaryComment on your conclusions about this company’s target market, their branding strategy, the resulting brand loyalty of customers (if any), and any recommendations you would make to management to improve the customer experience. Be specific.The questions above are a starting point. Document as thoroughly as you can your customer experience.The chart below may help you:PRODUCTPRICE (COST)PROMOTIONPLACE (DISTRIBUTION)FeaturesBenefitsOptional ServicesProduct QualityStaff QualityStyle—current or obsoleteBrand NamePackagingDeliveryGuaranteesReturn PolicyList PriceDiscountsCredit TermsPublicity—media mentionsSales or in-store promotionsPersonal SellingMailing List and/or NewsletterInternet: web site, newsletter, search engine rankingLocationConvenienceAppearanceAmbience—interior, exterior & neighborhoodLayout of facilityParkingFrequency of ServiceTransportationInventory DistributorsA FEW LAST COMMENTS:Don’t choose Starbucks to write about—they’ve made your job too easy. But if you want to observe a business that has mastered the concepts we’re discussing, go have a latte.Don’t choose your current employer.It’s too hard to see your job site through fresh eyes, or as a customer would.This must be a business with a physical location or storefront—no web-only businesses. Get out there—Safeway, McDonald’s, your local dry cleaners, etc.Your write-up should be in an organized, narrative or essay style, addressing each of the 4 P’s. Be sure to include your recommendations to management or what you think they should do differently. DON’T copy and paste the questions above and answer each one with a few words. DON’T give me a bulleted list.Assignment 7: Break Even Analysis, Ch. 10 in your text.Due May 25 by 9pm

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