Select ONE of the following topics (Topics 1, 2 or 3) to answer..22px=””>.22px=””>Write a paragraph in which you address all of the questions listed for your selected topic. Please make sure that you cite any outside resources in your answer (using APA format)..22px=””>.22px=””>Select ONE of the following topics:.22px=””>.22px=””>Topic 1: Primate Characteristics and Adaptations.22px=””>Topic 2: Primate Social Behavior.22px=””>Topic 3: Chimpanzees in Biomedical Research.22px=””>.22px=””>______________________________________.22px=””>.22px=””>Topic 1: Primate Characteristics and Adaptations.22px=””>.22px=””>Please review Chapter 7 in our textbook ” EXPLORING BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY” by Standford Allen Anton Third Edition.,, specifically the information on primate anatomical traits, life history traits, and behavioral traits discussed on pages 140-146. Also review the information on primate characteristics found at the following website:””>.22px=””>Then address the following in your posting:.22px=””>.22px=””>Select one of the traits, characteristics or adaptations of primates.22px=””>Write a page paper – Describe an example of this trait in a specific primate (provide genus and species name)..22px=””>Analyze how this quality may be been helpful for primate adaptation and survival over time..22px=””>Discuss how this trait might offer a selective advantage in the primate’s environment..22px=””>Please post the name of the adaptation in the title of your message..22px=””>.22px=””>________________________________________________________________.22px=””>Topic 2: Primate Social Behavior.22px=””>.22px=””>For this topic, please review chapter 8 in our textbook, specifically the section on “Why are Nonhuman Primates Social?” on pages 184-186. Also review the website on Primate Sociality and Social Systems found at:””>.22px=””>Then address the following in your posting:.22px=””>.22px=””>Select one reason why primates are social animals..22px=””>Write a page paper – Describe how sociality and living in groups would provide an advantage to the individual..22px=””>Analyze the importance of the social unit for individual survival and evolutionary fitness..22px=””>Provide a specific example of a primate and describe its social system. Include the genus and species of your example in your response. Types of primate societies (social systems) are discussed in Chapter 8 on pages 186-193..22px=””>.22px=””>__________________________________________________________________________________.22px=””>.22px=””>Topic 3: Chimpanzees in Biomedical Research.22px=””>.22px=””>In December 2011, the Institute on Medicine (National Academies) released its recommendations about the use of chimpanzees in biomedical research in the USA; the IOM has recommended more stringent limits on use of chimpanzees in biomedical and behavioral research. Here is a link to the press release with the IOM recommendations:””>.22px=””>With specific reference to these articles, including those listed below, answer one of the following questions..22px=””>.22px=””>Write a page paper – Describe and discuss two important concerns about using chimpanzees in research (e.g., ethical, economic, biomedical)..22px=””>Identify other scientific alternatives for biomedical research, when use of the (laboratory) chimpanzee is no longer possible. What about use of other animal models, computer models, or field chimpanzees?.22px=””>When chimpanzee research ends in the United States, what are the consequences for the chimpanzees currently housed in captivity at research institutions and facilities? What happens to them?
2 peer responses – due in 4 hours
Guided Response: Respond in a substantive way to at least two of your peers. Choose at least one point from your peer’s response that impacted your thinking on this subject, and explain why and how that particular comment resonated with you or caused you to think in a different way. Compare the implications for […]