Question description

Please read the problem statement,
hypothesis and literature review I uploaded for you and continuous the report,
please follow the instructions. 
Problem: How long do nursing go
without reading a book for pleasure?
Hypothesis: A majority of nursing
students will go over a year without reading a book for pleasure.

Write materials and methods
(participants, materials, methods)
Methods (3 paragraphs)
1.  Settings and Participants
Where study was done
Who the participants were (include
details such as demographics)
2.  Instrument
Description of survey (include if
it’s quantitative or qualitative)
Show the survey itself just as the
participants saw it
3.  Procedures
How exactly the study was

Results (1 paragraph + table and
Explain the findings of your study
in detail
Provide table(s) displaying your
Provide graphs(s)/chart(s)
displaying your data

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Ace Tutors
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