For this assignment, you are to track an issue on the agenda of an arm of the United Nations and then assess the organization’s success in dealing with it. The purpose of the assignment is to gain knowledge about the internal and procedural workings of the UN and to gain familiarity with accessing primary sources such as documents, reports, summaries, resolutions, and treaties. The issue may be recent or historical, and it may be narrowly defined (e.g. human rights in country x) or more broadly defined (e.g. human rights in developing countries). Instructor
approval of the issue and the organization are required. You will write a 5-6 pages (no more and no less so use your space wisely) analysis of the organization’s success in dealing with the issue based upon these primary sources. For example, did the organization lack sufficient funds to invest in programs, was there a lack of agreement on the appropriate policy response, were they sensitive to the needs and concerns of the affected population, etc. Note: Although many organizations have excellent web sites, it will be necessary to dig into them very deeply and/or
to use the documents collection at Strozier.

The paper must be double spaced in 11 or 12 point font (Times New Roman is the best choice). A title page is required and must contain the following information: the title, your name, the date, and the course number. You must also include a bibliography on a separate page(s) at the end of the paper (this does not count in your page total) and include citations for the factual and conceptual content of your paper as well as direct quotes following a recognized citation format. Some of the common ones are: American Psychological Association, American Economic
Association, or American Political Science Association. If you have any questions about proper citation, see me before you turn in your paper because failure to cite properly will result in a letter grade deduction from your paper grade. Failure to cite at all will result in at best a grade of C on the paper. Although grammar and spelling errors will not be specifically penalized, they can reduce the clarity of your argument and make the final product look less professional.

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