Question .
Part A
Consider an artifact of your choice and the ways in which it is used. You should select an object, which can be redesigned to involve new computational functionality. Make sure to choose an artifact that allows you clear access to the ways in which it is being used. I need help writing my essay – research paper
avoid ATMs or any other technology where your observations may be misconstrued or seen as suspicious. Your assignment is to: 1) use the techniques you have learned on the course to engineer the requirements for this new digitally augmented artifact; 2) produce a report describing the work undertaken, the techniques used, and the results of those techniques. You should structure you report to include the following 4 sections.
(i) Description of Setting – Provide the background to the domain where the artifact is located. This should include a: a) description of the location; b) description of its purpose; c) description of when it is used; d) description of its general features and functionality.
(ii) Elicitation Approach – Describe the method(s) that you used to elicit requirements. You should justify your choices making sure to reference the literature.
(iii) Analysis – Describe and critically discuss the analysis you used to generate requirements. Make sure to tie your analysis to your elicitation activities.
(iv) Requirements – List the basic requirements for your technologically enhanced artifact.
Part B
Generate a requirements document to reflect the work completed in Part A of this question. Ensure that your document follows the structure of one of the templates (Volere, IEEE) that were presented in the class.
Part C
Briefly reflect (using approximately 750 words) on your thoughts and experiences relating to Question 4 of the assignment. Were there any challenges that you faced during your elicitation and analysis phases? Can you suggest any improvements to your processes?
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