Research Project
Each student will write one short papers about 6-8 double-spaced pages each, for the economic and political / security issues respectively. If you have difficulty selecting a topic, you should consult the instructor immediately.
You are encouraged to follow current events in East Asia by regularly reading relevant daily news from the New York Times, the Washington Post, Asia Times Online and such relatively high-quality weeklies as the Economist and Far Eastern Economic Review. All these publications have online editions. For more serious academic research on East Asia, please consult, among others, the following journals: Asian Survey, Asian Affairs, the China Quarterly, Current History, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, International Organization, Pacific Affairs, and World Politics.
The proposal and paper must be typewritten, using 12 font print, double-spaced, page-numbered, with a 1 inch margin on all sides, and printed on one side of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. You must carefully proofread your papers. Spelling and grammatical errors will be taken into consideration in the grading. Do not put papers in folders; please staple.
The paper should contain full citation of all sources consulted and referred to in the essay. Any book or article or other source consulted and referred to in the essay will be cited in the essay, either in parenthetical citations or endnotes. A bibliography will be included at the end of the essay identifying all sources. Essays will be well researched and will be based on a combination of scholarship (books and journal articles by authorities), and current articles (newspapers and magazines). At least two authoritative scholarly books (single author, multiple author, or edited books) will be consulted, at least four articles from scholarly refereed journals, and no more than four articles from web sites will be used. Students are encouraged to utilize the online databases for articles from scholarly journals including JSTOR and ABI/INFORM. Students are encouraged to seek the assistance of the Writing Center.
Fill below question
Proposal for the Final Paper
1. What is your topic?
2. Why are you interested in this topic?
3. What research have you done so far on this topic?
4. What is likely your argument(s)?
5. What are your supporting details?
6. Citations (Use Chicago)
7. Length: 2-3 pages single-spaced
The Evolution of U.S. Global Engagement/df1r
The United States and Global Engagement: A Historical and Personal Analysis [Your Name] [Date] The engagement of the United States with the world has taken various forms throughout history, encompassing political, economic, and military interactions. From early diplomatic efforts to contemporary international relations, these engagements have shaped global dynamics in significant ways. One crucial aspect […]