There are numerous employee punishment practices whose application should be guided by the magnitude of the misconduct. Such include withdrawal of the employee’s privileges in the organization and fining for any loss brought by the misconduct (Bharijoo, 2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). Dismissal of employee for misconduct can also be employed. Another common punishment practice is giving the employee a compulsory leave. For crime activities involving an employee, legal charging and conviction can be employed.

However, all should be imposed upon adequate proof of the claimed misconduct as well as giving warnings to the employee (The University of Mississippi, 2001). As a manager, with sufficient proof that Mary stole chicken from the cafeteria, I would give her a warning as a way of giving her chance to reform. On the other hand, since the given practice brought loss to the business deducting from her salary an equivalent to the chicken price remains a good option. This not only gives her economic punishment but also protects my job as a manager.

If her behavior persists then job dismissal would be a viable option to protect unethical practices in the business. In the case of Walena, seeking to identify the underlying reason for continuous lateness should be my core concern. The principles of effective employee engagement should go beyond the workplace to protect the social needs of individual employees. On the other side, terms and conditions at workplace must be obeyed. Therefore, for Walena to report to her workstation without apology for lateness deserves a strong warning.
Since her lateness is breaking down her interpersonal relations with other employees, if sufficient for lateness is found, workforce reconciliation practices must be engaged. References Bharijoo, S. (2008 – Affordable Custom Essay Writing Service | Write My Essay from Pro Writers). Behavior Modifications: An Efficacious Tool of Shaping Individual Behavior Productivity and Supportive to Organization Goal Attainment. Retrieved July 10, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, from http://www. nepjol. info/index. php/JNBS/article/viewFile/2082/1909 The University of Mississippi. (2001). Employee Discipline. Retrieved July 10, 2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer, from http://www. olemiss. edu/depts/nfsmi/Information/HR_modules/management/Discipline_mod. pdf

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