Hello Tutor,
if anyone has access to “coursehero” please see if you can come up with a response for the following:
I need this by in an hour EST!
What can a group of engineers who had scant resources, limited support, and a cast of characters straight out of a sit com teach you about successful teams? Read the article: Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (1992). What makes a team work? Organizational Dynamics, 21 (2), 34-44. Think about what made this group so successful. It was not financial rewards – group members said they did not work for money. It was not because they had well-defined and perfectionist goals – the team leader believed that “not everything worth doing is worth doing well”. It was not because the team was led by a good communicator- the team leader was called the “Prince of Darkness” by the team members because he was so unapproachable. What was it?
As a team, discuss the following questions, and submit your answers in a written paper. Head each section of your paper to correspond to the numbers of each question (1, 2) below:
- Online assignment help tutors – Discuss how organizational culture made the Eagle Group successful. Be sure to apply the course material, and use critical thinking skills and examples from the article to support your statements.
- How can you apply some of the elements that made the Eagle Group so successful to your team in this class?
- Provide a title page with your team number and members’ names.
- Your content should include 600 words, and use a double-spaced Times New Roman font.
- You should include headings, topic sentences, and the inclusion of the weekly learning.
- Citations and references should be Ace homework tutors – APA compliant.
- Review the rubric for my specific expectations and completely answer all of the questions