Origins of Establishing Limited Government in the US
The concept of limited government is one of the foundational principles of the US political system. It means that the government has only the powers that are granted to it by the Constitution, and that it cannot infringe on the rights and liberties of the people. The origins of this idea can be traced back to the colonial era, when the American colonists resisted the arbitrary and oppressive rule of the British monarchy. They developed a political culture that valued individual freedom, self-government, and representation.
One of the key events that shaped the colonists’ views on limited government was the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which overthrew King James II and established a constitutional monarchy in England. The revolution affirmed the supremacy of Parliament over the crown, and guaranteed certain rights to the English subjects, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and trial by jury. These rights were later codified in the English Bill of Rights of 1689, which influenced the American colonists as well.
Another source of inspiration for the colonists was the Enlightenment, a movement of intellectual and cultural change that swept Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Enlightenment thinkers challenged the traditional authority of religion and monarchy, and advocated for reason, science, and human rights. Some of the most influential figures of this movement were John Locke, Montesquieu, and Voltaire, whose ideas on natural rights, separation of powers, and tolerance influenced the American revolutionaries.
The colonists also developed their own political institutions and practices that reflected their belief in limited government. They established colonial assemblies that exercised legislative power and represented the interests of the people. They also formed local governments that dealt with matters such as taxation, education, and public safety. They created a system of checks and balances that prevented any branch of government from becoming too powerful or corrupt.
However, the relationship between the colonists and the British government deteriorated in the 1760s and 1770s, as the latter imposed a series of taxes and regulations on the former without their consent. The colonists protested against these measures as violations of their rights and liberties, and resisted them through various means, such as boycotts, petitions, and demonstrations. They also formed alliances and associations to coordinate their actions and express their grievances. The most famous example of this was the First Continental Congress of 1774, which issued a declaration of rights and resolved to resist British tyranny.
The conflict between the colonists and the British government escalated into a full-scale war in 1775, which lasted until 1783. The war was fought not only for independence, but also for the principles of limited government. The colonists declared their independence in 1776, in a document that stated their natural rights and listed their grievances against the king. They also drafted state constitutions that established republican forms of government with limited powers. The most important achievement of this period was the Articles of Confederation, which created a federal system that united the thirteen states under a common government.
The Articles of Confederation proved to be inadequate for governing a large and diverse nation, as they gave too much power to the states and too little to the central government. The weaknesses of this system became evident in the 1780s, when the country faced economic, social, and diplomatic challenges. A group of nationalists led by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and George Washington called for a revision of the Articles, and convened a convention in Philadelphia in 1787. The result of this convention was the US Constitution, which established a federal system that balanced the powers between the national and state governments, and divided them among three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. The Constitution also included a Bill of Rights that added ten amendments that guaranteed certain rights and freedoms to the people.
The US Constitution is considered to be one of the most successful examples of limited government in history. It has endured for more than two centuries, and has been amended only 27 times. It has inspired many other countries to adopt similar systems of government that respect human dignity and protect individual liberty. It has also faced many challenges and controversies over its interpretation and application, but it has always been defended by those who cherish its principles.
Help write my assignment – Bibliography :
– Bailyn B (1992) The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. Ace my homework – Write my essay – Harvard University Press.
– Rakove JN (1996) Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas in the Making of
the Constitution. Alfred A Knopf.
– Wood GR (1998) The Creation of
the American Republic: 1776-1787. University
of North Carolina Press.
– Ellis JW (2004) Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation.
Vintage Books.
– Maier P (2010 – Essay Writing Service: Write My Essay by Top-Notch Writer) Ratification: The People Debate
the Constitution: 1787-1788.
Simon & Schuster.
– Foner E (2017) Give Me Liberty!: An American History. WW Norton & Company.