Assessment of Nutritional Status of Kids as an Imperative Part of Community Nursing

Nutrition is a vital factor that influences the growth and development of children. It also affects their susceptibility to diseases and their quality of life. Therefore, assessing the nutritional status of kids is an imperative part of community nursing, as it helps to identify the nutritional needs, risks and interventions for this vulnerable population.

Nutritional status is defined as the degree to which the physiological needs for nutrients are met by the dietary intake and utilization of nutrients in the body. It can be measured by various indicators, such as anthropometric measurements, biochemical tests, clinical signs and symptoms, dietary intake and food security. These indicators can provide information on the nutritional status of kids at different levels, such as individual, household and community.

Anthropometric measurements are the most commonly used indicators of nutritional status, as they are simple, inexpensive and non-invasive. They include height, weight, body mass index (BMI), mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), head circumference and skinfold thickness. These measurements can reflect the growth and development of kids, as well as their nutritional deficiencies or excesses. For example, stunting (low height-for-age), wasting (low weight-for-height) and underweight (low weight-for-age) are indicators of chronic or acute undernutrition, while overweight and obesity are indicators of overnutrition.

Biochemical tests are another way of assessing the nutritional status of kids, as they can measure the levels of nutrients or their metabolites in the blood, urine or other body fluids. They can provide more specific and sensitive information on the nutritional status of kids, especially for micronutrients such as iron, zinc, vitamin A and iodine. However, biochemical tests are more expensive, invasive and require laboratory facilities and trained personnel.

Clinical signs and symptoms are also useful indicators of nutritional status, as they can reveal the presence or absence of certain diseases or conditions that are related to nutrition. They include physical examination, medical history and observation of signs such as pallor, edema, hair loss, skin lesions, dental caries and eye problems. Clinical signs and symptoms can indicate the severity and duration of nutritional problems, but they are not very specific or sensitive.

Dietary intake is another indicator of nutritional status, as it can measure the quantity and quality of food consumed by kids. It can provide information on the adequacy or inadequacy of nutrient intake, as well as the dietary patterns and preferences of kids. Dietary intake can be assessed by various methods, such as food frequency questionnaires, 24-hour recalls, food diaries and direct observation. However, dietary intake assessment is subject to errors and biases, such as underreporting, overreporting, memory lapses and social desirability.

Food security is a broader indicator of nutritional status, as it reflects the availability, accessibility and utilization of food at the household and community levels. Food security is defined as a situation in which all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Food security can be influenced by various factors, such as food production, distribution, prices, income, policies and programs. Food insecurity can lead to undernutrition or overnutrition among kids.

Community nursing plays a crucial role in assessing the nutritional status of kids, as it involves working with individuals, families and groups in their natural settings to promote health and prevent disease. Community nursing can use various strategies to assess the nutritional status of kids, such as screening, surveillance, monitoring and evaluation. These strategies can help to identify the nutritional problems, needs and risks among kids; to plan, implement and evaluate appropriate interventions; to educate and empower kids and their caregivers; to advocate for policies and programs that support nutrition; and to collaborate with other health professionals and stakeholders.

In conclusion, assessment of nutritional status of kids is an imperative part of community nursing, as it helps to ensure the optimal health and well-being of this vulnerable population. Community nursing can use various indicators and strategies to assess the nutritional status of kids at different levels. By doing so, community nursing can contribute to the prevention and management of malnutrition among kids.


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and middle-income countries. The Lancet 382(9890):427-451.

Gibson RS (2014: 2024 – Essay Writing Service. Custom Essay Services Cheap). Principles of Nutritional Assessment (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.

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World Health Organization (2020). Nutrition: Key Facts.

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