Assignment 3: Synopsis of Judy Pham’s
Assignment 3: Synopsis of Judy Pham’s case
Using the attached aquifer case, present the case and support
evidence in a power point presentation with the following
Slide 1: Title, Student Name, Course, Date
Slide 2: Homework help – Summary or synopsis of Judy Pham’s case
Slide 3: HPI
Slide 4: Medical History
Slide 5: Family History
Slide 6: Social History
Slide 7: ROS
Slide 8: Examination
Slide 9: Labs (In-house)
Slide 10: Primary Diagnosis and 3 Differential Diagnoses – ranked
in priority
Primary Diagnosis should be supported by data in the patient’s
history, exam, and lab results.
Slide 11: Management Plan: medication (dose, route, frequency),
non-medication treatment, tests ordered, education, followup/referral.
Slide 12-16: An evaluation of 5 evidence-based articles applicable
to Ms. Pham’s case: evaluate 1 article per slide.
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