Working on “Research Proposal ”
For Ph.D. Hospitality Administration Topic: Tourism’s contribution to promote socioeconomic growth and development. Saudi Government 2030 vision
For Ph.D. Hospitality Administration
Important Journals
Research is an important factor in a student’s graduate studies. There are many academic journals pertinent
to the hospitality industry. The journals considered to be of highest value in the our College of Hospitality
are as follows:
Year: 2021-2022 11
PhD Program Handbook
• Annals of Tourism Research
• Cornell Quarterly
• International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
• International Journal of Hospitality Management
• International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
• Journal of Travel Research
• Tourism Management
“Research Proposal” is being worked on.
Tourism’s contribution to socioeconomic growth and development as a topic for a Ph.D. in Hospitality Administration Saudi Arabia’s Vision for 2030
Hospitality Administration Ph.D.
Journals of Note
The importance of research in a student’s graduate studies cannot be overstated. There are numerous academic journals that are relevant.
to the hospitality business The journals that our College of Hospitality considers to be the most valuable.
are the following:
The year is 2021-2022.
Handbook for the PhD Program
• Tourism Research Annals
• Quarterly of Cornell University
• The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management is a peer-reviewed journal published in the United Kingdom.
• International Hospitality Management Journal
The International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the study of hospitality and tourism.
• Travel Research Journal
• Tourism Administration