Diego Magana

My name is Diego. I was born in El Salvador, and I was raised in New York, and no I don’t have a strong New Yorker accent. I am currently active duty in the Navy and stationed at the Naval Academy in Maryland. Before here I was in Okinawa Japan for 3 years, which was an amazing time since I got to travel so much. I am currently pursuing a degree in Health Science to ultimately become a nurse or a P.A. As far as my interests, I like to travel, which I have not been able to do much because of the pandemic. I also like to play sports, specifically soccer, basketball, football, and baseball.

Social media to me is like a second world. Meaning that you can live a whole separate life on it, sometimes this be good or bad. Some people have been able to make huge amounts of income through social media, while others have been able to express themselves by showing off their pictures, writings, or creative design. On the other hand, some people get sucked in to the facade that social media by seeing these supposed “perfect” people on platforms like Instagram or Facebook, which makes them want to be just like them when in reality it is just the filters and camera work that social media allows them to look like that. Social Media is difficult to explain because like I said, it is like a second world or even life, and most of us can’t even define what our real life is.

I am excited to start this class and interact with each one of my peers!

Response –

Brenda Acevedo

Hi everyone,

My name is Brenda. I’m a single mother to an amazing 5-year-old. We are currently living in Kentucky with our small zoo of 3 dogs, 1 cat and a turtle. Now that my daughter is in school, I’ve decided that it’s time for me to get my stuff together and try for a degree. I’m going after my associates in General Studies after almost 9 years as an active duty 92Y in the army. While in the army I’ve stayed mostly stateside with the exception of a rotation to South Korea in 2017.

Social media to me is both a great tool and can also be a huge downfall. Just by looking up someone’s name, you have access to most of their life. You can see where they’ve been, what they’ve eaten, their most intimate thoughts and everything in-between. While it’s an amazing tool, I believe it can also be a scary place. Where we used to just occasionally read about someone in a letter or a magazine, we now have instant access to every step they take and everything they do. I find myself part of that “millennial” generation that remembers the time before social media when we would pass our secret origami notes in class, to now finding it hard to picture how we even got by without memes and Tumblr posts to describe how our day has been.

The picture above shows me how much has changed due to social media. What used to take an entire room of space is now in the palm of our hand.

I hope to learn more about how much society has been affected by our ease of access to social media and I look forward to getting to know everyone.

Response –

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Research Helper
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